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New Vendetta Beta this Friday

We'll be doing a release this Friday, integrating a number of changes and new features into the game. Among these will be the implementation of the true NPC Defense Guard, who will handle troublemakers and people of Kill On Sight faction standing in their respective locales. We'll also be introducing the Group PvP missions, intended to bring characters together in border clashes along the Serco/Itani border. A chat revamp is also planned, but uncertain if it'll make it into this release.

The Public Stress-Test: we haven't forgotten about this. Yes, the signup CGI all says "June". Sorry, we're a bit past that now ;). In any event, we hope to open the game to public stress testing in the near future. Perhaps as soon as next week, depending on the outcome of testing with the imminent release on Friday. Thanks for your patience.. the game is coming along.