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Star Citizen is so Evil

May 02, 2013 TheRedSpy link

It boggles the mind that they are selling additional e-product addons to already pre-sold e-products that don't e-exist yet.

Is any body else slightly disturbed at the level of ridiculousness of over-monetizing the hype of Star Citizen? Not to mention that people have no idea what they're buying into.

Far from a lesson to what Vendetta Online should be, so far Star Citizen is shaping up to be a lesson in what VO shouldn't be, at least from my perspective.
May 02, 2013 Snake7561 link
Does Star Citizen have the same combat system as we do?
May 02, 2013 TerranAmbassador link
The monetization is just one of several things that disturbs me about that game.
May 02, 2013 Snake7561 link
Seems like a beefed up Vendetta...

Well hey, least it's going to wipe out EvE.
May 02, 2013 Kierky link
Yeah that's pretty messed up.
May 03, 2013 Pizzasgood link
I did contribute to the initial fund raising, but I haven't kept up with developments at all. I really dislike their newsletters. If they want to have a bunch of RP articles, that's cool, but I don't want to have to dig through it to find the actual news. So I mostly ignore them. Plus I just haven't felt inclined to get myself all hyped up about a game that isn't going to be released in the near future. I've done enough of that in the past. I am an impatient fellow. I would rather devote attention to things I can enjoy right now. (Ranting on the VO forums about stuff we likely won't see for ten years is something I can enjoy now. Just for the record.)

I have definitely gotten the overhyped vibe out of it though. I don't really like some of the things I've heard about the gameplay either, though I do like others. Will it be perfect? Absolutely not. Will it permanently displace VO in my life? Highly doubtful. Will I still enjoy playing it enough and for a long enough period for the cost to be worth it? Very probably.

As for whether it will do away with EVE, I doubt it. What people tend to forget is that EVE is not a shoot-em-up game. It's a corporate warfare game that happens to take place in space. Entirely different genre. SC will probably cut into their playerbase a bit, especially right at first, but eventually things will settle down. I fully expect EVE to still be there afterward.
May 03, 2013 TheRedSpy link
"Ranting on the VO forums about stuff we likely won't see for ten years is something I can enjoy now. Just for the record."

Hahaha, this is so true!
May 03, 2013 Snake7561 link
If you watch one of their video's, the smaller vessels fly like terrestrial ships.
May 03, 2013 CrazySpence link
yea they really are starting to take the cake when it comes to cash shop, glad they only got $35 from me so i can investigate without having put in too much risk.
May 03, 2013 Pizzasgood link
Snake, my understanding was that they have an FA type system like VOs which can be toggled off if you don't want it. Granted, I read that way back when they were running the original kickstarter so it's possible they've changed their mind since then.
May 03, 2013 Snake7561 link
Ah, gotcha.

/me pokes around their forums
Wow, they're already making guilds for a game that isn't even out yet
May 03, 2013 Pizzasgood link
I don't see that as anything special. You get a group of people hanging out discussing a game they intend to play, and they're going to start forming friendships and making plans. I know there are groups of VO players who were talking about making an SC guild way back when we first heard about it.
May 03, 2013 Snake7561 link
/me shrugs

Anways, I've done some more poking around and discovered a lot of the ships come with built in weaponry. There's only a certain amount of slots - the amount varies per ship - you can customize. Which sucks.
May 03, 2013 Pizzasgood link
Yeah. Of course, the same can be said of VO.
May 03, 2013 Snake7561 link
Not really. There are a few ships with built in equipment, like the raptor, but all of the weapons ports are fully customizable.
May 03, 2013 tarenty link
There aren't really many weapon ports. VO is honestly not top on customization, but the choices present have far more affect than in many other games.
May 05, 2013 Lord~spidey link
May 07, 2013 abortretryfail link
Yeah, I lost most of the interest I had in this game months ago. :/
May 07, 2013 Snake7561 link
"This game," as in SC or VO?
May 07, 2013 abortretryfail link
/me points to the subject of this thread.