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May 10, 2004 Urza link
Using just your eyes, are you aware of tiny dark spots floating in your field of vision? Bring your eye focus in close as you look around. By consciously looking at a light colored surface, wall or ceiling, that discovery can be greatly enhanced.

Move your eyes briskly to the left and then to the right. Then, up and down. Keep moving your eyes slowly back and forth. Concentrate on focusing in as close as you can without losing perspective.

The floating dark spots you eventually can see are actually one or more spirit entities that are attached to your face and eyes. They are eyeball to eyeball, speaking with you as they insert pictures into your mind for you to accept as your basic reality. This is the absolute truth of the matter.

Try this. Using both of your hands, take your fingers and gently reach into the area of your eyeball sockets. Just to the space in close to your eyelids. Now, close your fingers in a grabbing motion and slowly pull your hands out and away from you, to about a foot in front of your face. Hard focus on your fingertips as you open and release your fingers.

What you will see are spirit entities moving away from you, either to the right or to the left of your hands. They may appear like fumes of black or white smoke. Or, like the heat waves rising from asphalt or concrete on a hot summers day. You might even see a face.

According to the ophthalmologists, these spots are called "floaters"; small blood vessels or cells that have broken off, expired and remain to float freely in the eyes ocular fluid indefinitely. In truth, medical science has never proven that 'floaters' are what they define them to be.

Indeed, it is shameful for any profession founded on truth and Hippocratic oath to hold or promote any conclusion that holds little more than convenient explanation.

The closest thing we can focus on is perhaps the tip of our nose, or essentially just before our eyes. We do not view any eye damage in our visual movement. And, broken blood vessels or pink eye does not make us see red.

As these impressions of energy, or floaters, come and go in our awareness, this should tell us something. If one day their presence is viewed differently from another day, then this anomaly needs a better answer.

I assert these energy patterns are intentional impressions made by discarnate spirits as they attempt to control your experience with image picture inserts and thought communication.

Yet, after seeing this anomaly, just consider the implications of the experience you encountered; the reality of spirits being attached to your eyes and face and what that truly implies.

Let me say, the reason spirits are in your face, on your eyes and speaking to you through your reading voice at your temples is that they are attempting to control, manipulate, and formulate what you have innocently, yet ignorantly have come to accept and believe as the image of who you accept yourself to be as a person.

These spirits are invasively implanting pictures and composite pictures of your relatives pictures, coupled with their individual feeling tones and emotions they tap into from your memory and formulating that into a singular image that you have come to believe as the self image of who you think and believe you are as a person. This effectively blocks your perception or knowledge of yourself as a son or daughter (spirit) of the Most High God and unself-conscious observer.

From the Coptic Manichean gospel texts of Thomas : Logion 5 - "Jesus said: Know what is before thy eyes and what is hidden from thee will be revealed to thee."

This powerful, overwhelming and wicked scheme is used by these deva spirits to influence and control your destiny from the day you are born until the day you spiritually pass from your body. It is used to keep you in the belief that you are your body and to keep you spiritually ignorant. They parasitically lead you into pleasure pursuits of self gratification which they siphon off for and as their own experience. It is exactly what fosters the absolute human body identification and, ultimately, the lie that death is a reality for the observer (you). Also, they convince stupid, ignorant sensitives (psychics) (you see them on TV), that the spirits that are on the other side are the pictures, personalities and names they had when they had a body. That is BS to the third power, and is a lie propagated by spirits that want to continue using spirits with human forms to continue the pleasure principle to the max for the rest of their lives. That, of course, breaking every Law that God has ever laid out for all of mankind.

Please grasp this, coupled with the planting of image inserts, these evil spirits are also attaching at each of your temples speaking to you subliminally using your thought/reading voice. They use constant vocal suggestions to sway and move all of your choices and decisions throughout your lifetime. This is the how and why of how we hold on to and propagate the lies and poisons we hold about others and the world in our life.

Emphatically, this is not a theory of mine or a distorted perception of what I personally imagine our human experience to be. Yet, profoundly, the truth of this matter can only ever be for you to prove completely out for yourself. Ask God for help in this and do the exercises over and over. You will see and know the truth for yourself.

When you think about the danger of sudden global thermonuclear confrontation possibly being so close to us, happening somewhere in the world, doesn't it impel us to ask some very hard questions in light of these spirit intrusions? If the political leaders of this world are negatively impacted, manipulated and swayed by these spirit forces, will this assure us that the final biblical texts of Revelation will play itself out exactly as written?

It is my experience that these evil spirit intrusions in our life is exactly what is happening throughout the world right now. Yet, who is out there to wake humanity up to what is truthfully happening? Will secular humanists? The scientists? Politicians? Organized religion? Psychiatrists or psychologists? Or, even the media?
May 10, 2004 ctishman link
/me coughs politely, gets up and leaves the room.
May 11, 2004 Forum Moderator link
"Indeed, it is shameful for any profession founded on truth and Hippocratic oath to hold or promote any conclusion that holds little more than convenient explanation."

Luckily we have any number of "professions" founded on all sorts of other trash to fill in the voids until science can get to it. If the initial post started to sound plausible to you: (He writes a new column every Friday)

Anyway, I assume he's kidding, but a few more points: The vitreous abnormalities appear as floaters because the cast shadows on the retina. It's not the same as focusing on an object. The abnormalities (debris and such) HAVE been proven to be what they are said to be and are commonly and effectively destroyed by laser surgery.

May 11, 2004 Magus link
FM, I don't think anyone honestly took it seriously. But thank you.

I remember one guy tried to pass those things off as a UFO sighting. On the news he was like: "It was amazing. I looked up at the sky and I saw some wierd floating thing that followed my eye around. I tried to take a picture, but it didn't work! Doctors tell me it's just gunk that's putting shadows inside my eye, but that sounds a little far-fetched to me."

I kid you not, that's what he said ON TV!
May 11, 2004 Katarn link
He shoulda tried seeing the UFO crash into the sidewalk :P