Forums » Bugs

Some Tutorial Issues

Jul 31, 2014 Surbius link
1. Training I - Basic Flight and Combat - Mission Text Correction
Solution: required

2. Introduction Voice Over Error

vo/if_mandatory_voiceover.lua:218: attempt to index upvalue 'mandatoryVocal01' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
vo/error.lua:59: in function <vo/error.lua:58>
vo/if_mandatory_voiceover.lua:218: in function 'oldaction'
vo/if_mandatory_voiceover.lua:223: in function <vo/if_mandatory_voiceover.lua:217>
(tail call): ?

Solution: Remove plugins, found it to be an antiquated plugin.

3. Training V - All About the Galaxy - Improper Command
"/100 " automatically changes primary channel to 100. Only "/help [text]" can send messages to a secondary channel (channel 1) without switching primaries.
Solution: Either add the channel command function or change tutorial text.
Aug 01, 2014 abortretryfail link
I'm pretty sure /100 is working as designed and the instructions are what's wrong, since it works that way for any channel number.
Aug 01, 2014 CrazySpence link
Back in my day you launched out of a station towards a wh and if you hit enter before you really learned to fly a bunch of bots and angry players killed you