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Odd lockups and crashes.

Jun 08, 2015 davejohn link
Several players have reported odd sector lockups and crashes since timeout was reduced, may or may not be linked.

Typically, jump into a sector, graphics stuck, no control, chat continues to scroll in, but if you say anything you get a " you cannot say this for (big number) of seconds. Only way out is to log or force quit vo.

Also, drift for a bit you end up a vast distance from a jump point or wh. Again, only cure , force quit vo.

Similarly, launching after being afk for a while seems to crash vo too.

Prior to this vo was very stable, a crash maybe once a month. Now a crash every 30 mins or so.
Jun 08, 2015 bojansplash link
Several players who jumped to Sedina B-8 today (I can count 5-6) experienced the immediate lua error window opening. IT happened every time we jumped in B-8.
For me it happened 15 consecutive times.
Jun 08, 2015 abortretryfail link
I had some weird characters show up in chat in Bractus E-2 yesterday, but it went away when I jumped out. I restarted the game after that just to be sure.

It also seems like sleeping sectors take a long time to start up now. Even dead space can take several seconds longer to load than it did say, a month ago.

Wish I had some hard numbers, but I really don't.