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Koi ni Shishou Nashi

Oct 29, 2005 MSKanaka link
Entry One
October 29, 4433
Corvus Hold, Odia M-14

I woke up this morning wrapped in the warmth of someone's arms, a place I have not found myself for just over a year. I jumped slightly at first when I realized that the warm object next to me was in fact another human being—I do hope I didn't wake him up in doing so—I guess I'll get used to the feeling again at some point.

I first met Jan—that's the "someone's" name—a long time ago, almost a year ago in fact. Sometime last November, I think. It's kind of hard to explain exactly how we met up again, but I was asked by the Octagon of Xang Xi to deliver a datapad to someone, this someone turned out to be Jan.

Jan and I... well, I wouldn't say we've progressed a little faster in our relationship than I did with Yukinari, but we sure got around to that first date a good deal quicker. Jan took me last week to Oscree Gardens for a few hours—a real treat because I haven't been back that way for several months, and to that station in almost a year and a half—all of which we spent in the indoor arboretum.

The arboretum is a truly impressive place when the technology that goes into it into making a dome no larger than three times the size of the Makchuga—which is rather small, mind—appear to be a plain of grass, flowers, trees and plants that goes on endlessly. The actual amount of space you can move around in is about four square kilometers; a barrier (the room's walls) keeps you from getting lost. People have set up small cafés in various inobtrusive places; Jan and I went to one that was set in a large log.

After we had dinner—a nice shepherd's pie for me—we went up to the only hill in the area and looked at the constellations for a while. This wasn't as hard as one might think, as the Arboretum is set up such that the ceiling of the room is the starscape facing away from the star that Oscree orbits.

Jan tried to pull that old saying about "finding someone's name in the stars means you get to kiss them." I let him, but not after finding his name. We also looked for various star systems colonized by humans--I pointed out Odia and Deneb, and much to his surprise, Sol. Not Sol II. Sol, the original homeworld of the human species.

We eventually headed back to the Makchuga, where we kissed again and bid each other good night.

Recently there have been a few changes at the Makchuga. Joyce Sanders has since become attached to a young ex-Akanese named Erik Christianson. I couldn't bear to have them in the bar together all the time and not working with each other, so I hired Erik early this week. I hired Jan over the weekend. This brings our roster up to four people.

Joyce and Erik went out on a date of their own last night. It went for longer than four hours--long enough for Jan and I to get bored, anyway--but they appear to have had a good time, and that's all I can ask for.

Joyce is like a sister to me; we even confer over things like I always wished I could have with my real sister, Maharu--but that was always hard because she was thirteen years older than I was, and never quite in touch with what I was saying. I want nothing more for Joyce than for her to be happy, and I'm glad to know that that is what she is.

Hmm. Look at the time. I should probably head down to the Makchuga now, it's almost time to open.

I'll have more for you all soon, okay?
Oct 29, 2005 moldyman link
I like. ^^ Keep it up
Oct 30, 2005 stranger link
Very well writen. I like the natural flow. Like someone is just writing a diary not a short story.
Oct 30, 2005 Celkan link
Oct 30, 2005 jexkerome link
*wonders if this will become a bodice ripper*
Nov 22, 2005 Celkan link
Entry Two
November 22, 4433
Eo School of Flight, Pacifica, Eo

What am I going to do?

This past week, nothing has gone right. The Neural Spike Implant and the Serco EF Prototype are once again "safely" in the hands of Serco Team Six. Joyce was kidnapped yesterday afternoon right from under my nose. Erik's planning to sacrifice himself in order to save her, and my relationship with Jan is strained almost to the breaking point.

Jan assures me that there was nothing I could have done to prevent any of this. I disagree. I'mambers. taking today to do something I should have done long ago—I'm going to visit Yukinari in the School of Flight's Camera Stasis Alumni, the hall that contains the interred bodies-in-stasis of the school's previous students.

Right now I'm sitting next to Yukinari's pod, my head resting on the cool metal surface near his waist. I will openly admit that I've been talking to thin air. Despite the absolute absurdity of the action, I feel a cathartic effect from talking to his non-responsive corpse—I can almost hear him reply just as he would long ago when I say something.

Back to what is going on in the universe, as I've already told Yukinari...

Yesterday, Erik, Joyce and I were chatting in my room back home (Jan was sound asleep, his head on my lap as he snored almost inaudibly). Joyce had to go to the bathroom, not something out of the ordinary as she had just recently drank a large mug of tea, and I pointed her to the bathroom. She picked up her PDS and went in.

Half an hour later, with no noise coming from the bathroom, and no Joyce coming back into my bedroom, Erik recieved a message on his communicator.

Jex had kidnapped Joyce, and he was taking her to the Entity known only as "the Void", something that is only known to be the driving force behind the Hive.

I left Jan in the fouton, and Erik and I scrambled our ships to Pherona, where Jex had last been sighted by a trade convoy. We managed to gather a few pilots on our way, and with a little help from the surveillance networks in the system, I determined where Jex was. We used this information to blockade the wormholes that he could use as an escape route, and I jumped into sector J-8.

I stormed aboard the station, haywire gun drawn—I knew from Joyce that this was the most effective weapon to use against the far-beyond-his-funeral man. I found him standing over in a corner near a yellow Vulture. I took a quick glance at it and knew instantly that my ship was faster. I took him by surprise and had the gun under his chin before he even knew I was there.

However, I was too cocky, and underestimated this man's lack of chivalry. He kicked me fiercely in the shins, and while I was recovering from the blow, jumped into the Vulture. I ran back to my Valkyrie Vengeance and gunned the throttle, ignoring all launch protocols as I blasted through the atmosphere-retaining force shield.

Jex had passed the barrier before I had left the main hangar, and so, was a good click ahead of me when I hit the afterburners. I could feel the acceleration, my ship's power clear by the force with which I was being pressed back into my seat. However, I had not thought ahead, and I was flying a Valkyrie with three energy-based weapons; firing them at Jex might cripple him, but it certainly wouldn't kill him before my reactor overheated and turned off the afterburners. I followed him all the way out to the minimum in-system jump distance, and followed him when he jumped to sector N-14.

When I go there, there was nothing there. No Vulture, no wreckage (he hadn't activated his self-destruct and gotten away with Joyce in an escape pod). Only a faint engine signature that showed that he had indeed been there. I had lost him, and most likely Joyce as well.

Erik and I more thoroughly blockaded the wormhole, and we combed Pherona looking for a sign of Jex. We found nothing.

I soon broke down in tears and retreated to Raehy Orbital. I was utterly distraught, and not thinking straight—the adrenaline had worn off a while back. I did the most stupid thing I have ever done in my life: I opened a private comm channel to Jex.

The short exchange that followed may well result in the end of my life as I know it.

"Jex," I said, half-sobbing, "what is it going to take to get you to come quietly?"

Silence on the other end. A soft chuckle that sent a shiver down my spine, and then suddenly:

"You naked, a bottle of champagne, and a romantic mood."

I gagged. I almost dumped the contents of my stomach onto my lap. Nothing went through my mind, except the thought that this might be the only way to save Joyce, without risking anyone else's life. I had nothing else I could do. Nothing. Erik was never going to find Jex on his own, and Jan probably wasn't awake yet. Neither of them was in a position to do anything. I was.

"Deal," I responded, before slamming off general communications.

I sat there in my ship for a few moments, ignoring the outside world, totally silent. Then the magnitude of what I had just agreed to do and its possible—no, inevitable—effects on Jan hit me like a concussion mine to the face.

I cried, I screamed. Apparently I screamed until I passed out, for I woke up several hours later, my face on the instrument panel, a stream of blood trickling down from my forehead across my face.

I sat there for a few minutes, unsure of what had happened. Then I heard the panicked cries of Erik and Jan over the comm frequency we shared. Neither knew where I was; a quick glance at the dash after leaning back into my seat revealed that I had headbutted the switch controlling my transponder, deactivating it. For all Erik and Jan knew, I was dead, or worse, a prisoner of Jex along with Joyce.

I was too distressed at this point to fly my ship the "normal" way, so I limped home on manual controls. I contacted Erik along the way, and told him what had happened. He was shocked, didn't even believe me for the first two times I tried to tell him.

When I arrived back in Eo, I landed my ship in the hills behind my hometown, and limped back to my house, my leg now extremely sore from that kick Jex had given me. I snuck in through the front door and into my room while nee-san1 wasn't looking. I lay down in my fouton, my sheets tightly wrapped around me and cried.

I ignored the now-healing gash on my forehead, however, as the nanites I have had for almost half a year now were already working to clean out the wound and heal it.

Only later did I learn that the NSI and SEFP had both been returned to the so-called "safety" ST6's R&D complex in Sedina K-13.

In the evening, when Jan and Erik returned, I heard nee-san greet them, and I reflexively hid myself under every layer of covers that my bed had. I heard the muffled sounds of Erik and Jan entering my room and closing (and thankfully latching) my door.

Jan wanted to know what had happened and why I was hiding from him, but I couldn't tell him. I couldn't. I told Erik to tell Jan what I had said earlier through the thick layers of sheets and blankets. He obliged.

Jan was eerily silent while Erik told him. I didn't know if he was angry. I didn't know if he still loved me. My fears were assuaged when Jan sat down next to me and started to rub my back. He wouldn't have done that if he were angry, would he?

It took several minutes of gentle coaxing before I would remove my face from the mass of blankets, and even more before I would even look Jan in the eye.

Erik then told us of his plan. I don't want to talk about it. I refuse, even. I hold Erik as close to my heart as a brother can get, and the young ex-Akanese isn't even related to me. It pains me to think that he would do such a thing as what he's planning, but then I remember how I feel about Jan, and how he feels about me. We would do the same thing in similar circumstances. That isn't to say that it helps the pain any, however, and I can already feel our tightly-knit family of sorts falling to pieces.

Erik left to deal with a few financial matters, and returned with a single credchip and a sealed letter. The credchip was worth all of Erik and Joyce's assets, save a paltry two hundred thousand credits. The letter... was for Joyce should Erik save her but die in the process. I told Erik of a secret little project I had been working on as he left.

After he left, Jan and I were silent for a short while. We talked about a few things I don't want to talk about here, not yet anyway, but we soon reached a sore spot, and we started screaming at each other in anger.

Jan tore into the kitchen and would have gotten drunk had I not slapped the bottles from his hands. I couldn't take this. Not now. Worse yet, he had no control over what he was doing. He was running on autopilot. He ran from the kitchen into the yard, right through the shards of broken bottles on the floor in his bare feet. When I tried to give him medicine to calm him down, he slapped it out of my hand, almost hitting my face on the backswing. I ran back into the house and locked my door, bawling.

He appeared to have snapped out of it at this point, because he came back into the house quietly, and stopped outside my door. It took almost ten minutes for him to convince me to even come to the door and look at his face through a crack, and another five before I let him into my room.

The end result of the argument is that we need to share our problems. Neither of us can function properly unless we let the other person help us with our troubles. Jan and I did make up, but I feel that the current events are stretching our relationship far too close to the point where there will be no reconciling an argument. I've worked too hard and suffered too much for an argument to completely our relationship. Finding Yukinari again only to learn he didn't know who I was, but even worse, didn't care who I was. Every time I saw him my heart broke further into pieces, and that last time I saw him in the Jallik Medlabs I thought I would never be able to love someone again.

Jan changed that. Joyce changed that. Hell, even Erik changed that despite all the crap we gave each other early on when we first met. When I spent time with them, I couldn't help but pick up the pieces and start putting them together. And I didn't do it alone.

What I fear most is exactly that. I've depended on the three of them and their individual personal qualities to help me through hard times.

Jan, with his at-all-times fun-seeking attitude...

...Erik, with his wonderful ability to listen...

...and Joyce, with her always cheery outlook on life, she shines through our troubles like a guiding beacon on the shore of a dark, stormy sea. We always look to her for advice when we're down. I don't want her to die. I don't want Erik to die, I don't want Jan to leave my side.

I would give anything to trade places with Joyce, just to see her safe in Erik's arms.

Nov 22, 2005 Rhade link
What utter foolishness. Have you no foresight? No capability to think of anyone other than yourself? Your friends' deaths are necessary, as is yours, if you refuse to join as you should. We will end this war. There will be no more bloodshed under our rule. How dare you indulge in selfish nobility! It's others' fates at stake, not just yours or your friends! Perhaps the Void holds an adequate punishment for you.
Nov 22, 2005 Borb II link
In this life one of the few things we have is friendship, why would one not want to do what ever it takes to maintain this gift?
Nov 22, 2005 jexkerome link
Friendship? Love? Bah!

And bah! again. Nothing of that compares to Power, and until you realize that and exercise it you'll be nothing but pawns in the games of others.
Nov 22, 2005 moldyman link
We'll see about the power of friendship today, we'll see....
Nov 22, 2005 Borb II link
A pawn eh? We'll see about that matey, we'll see about that.
Nov 22, 2005 softy2 link
A Pawn at 8th rank is a Queen.
Nov 22, 2005 Borb II link
Heh, never thought about that. gotta watch them pawns...
Nov 22, 2005 thergvk link
its amasing how fast you siwtch sides borbie
Nov 26, 2005 Celkan link
Entry Three
November 26, 4433
Corvus Hold, Odia M-14


These past two weeks really have taken a toll on my mood (not to mention my body); on top of all the crap going on, Jan had to go visit his family in Setalli Shinas when I needed him around the most. I can't say I've been the best of company to Joyce and Erik this week, and while I know they understand, it's still not fair of me.

Joyce took me shopping in Dau yesterday to try and get me out of my so-called "funk". Shopping has never really been anything I enjoyed doing, so I simply allowed myself to be dragged along. Erik caught up with us a little later, and we eventually headed back to Eo to deal with something I had just become aware of—namely the presence of hidden cameras throughout most of the house and property.

When we were done cleaning the house out, Erik made a meal for everyone. I was fine until I realized, again, that the one person I wanted to spend time with wasn't anywhere near the house, much less the solar system I was in. I sat in a chair, sulking for a few moments before I ran off to my room.

I know nee-san, Joyce and Erik had a conversation. I know they tried to give me food. I know they tried to comfort me. What I don't know is why they—Erik and Joyce, that is—decided to waste their time chasing me around town when I clearly knew where I was when they didn't.

I led them in circles, at first not knowing where I was headed, but then I saw a grove of tall trees.

Now, I've always loved being in high places. I recall my father having to climb into a tree to get me down when I had an argument with nee-san when I was much younger. I used high places as a retreat from the pressures of life. No wonder I liked the idea of being a pilot.

No wonder I climbed the tallest tree in the grove.

The leaves were thick, and the branches were sturdy, so I didn't worry about falling out or being seen. I climbed to the top and watched Erik and Joyce wander around, pointlessly searching. I must have fallen asleep, because all of a sudden I felt myself being jerked around. I opened an eye, and saw a human face. I panicked.

I bit the person's hand. Hard.

They screamed in pain and dropped me. I ran off into the woods behind my house—apparently it had been Erik who had been carrying me as I was inside the gate to the property (I also heard a few curses that would never have come out of Joyce's mouth). I hid in a bunch of thick shrubs and watched as nee-san patched up Erik's hand. He must have given up, because he didn't come outside again.

I found another tree overlooking the property and lay down on one of its thicker limbs.

Apparently I fell asleep again.

I was woken rudely by a loud snapping sound and the sensation of free fall. I hit the ground and a sharp pain shot through my right foot. I bit my lip for a moment, but the pain was too much and I screamed loud enough to wake half the neighborhood. Nee-san heard my screams and found me.

She carried me back to the house and bandaged my foot up. She says I twisted my ankle. I think I broke my foot. She sent me back to Corvus Hold on the next flight to Odia—I think she'd had enough noise for the night—and so here I am. I didn't get any sleep last night, but that would have been perfectly fine if Jan had just come by and said hi.

I think I'm coming down with a cold as well. Jan could have helped with that too. But no, he's off somewhere in the middle of Itani space.

Even worse, I can't even reach him.

This is last October all over again.
Nov 26, 2005 moldyman link
Oddly enough "*CHOMP*" was the sound I heard. -.-

And I think the situation warranted a few good curse words.
Dec 10, 2005 MSKanaka link
Entry Four
December 10, 4433
SkyCommand, Sol II H-13

Something I didn't mention in my previous entry was how we freed Joyce. Jex was betrayed by his own people, and Joyce was delivered to Dr. Lecter, who proceeded to conduct experiments on her too horrid to describe here.

How we got her out of his hands, however, is where I, unfortunately, come in.

Lecter demanded thirty million credits in cash, and an unspecified "favor" from me, to be redeemed in the future.

And apparently, the "future" is this weekend. I am to spend the weekend here, at his home on Serco Prime, doing his bidding. Apparently this includes eating human flesh for meals, among other things. (Jan and Erik both believe this involves me sharing a little more than the dinner table. I hope not.) As terrified and disgusted as I am at the things that might and probably will happen while I'm there, I will do my utmost to remain level-headed. Cooperative? I don't know.

I can't stand the thought of what goes on in that mansion, even only knowing some of what awaits me there.

But still...

Why me? Why me over all others? What could I possibly offer that someone else can't?

I guess I'll find out.
Dec 10, 2005 jexkerome link
So that's what Lecter wanted my Barry White CDs for!
Dec 13, 2005 Celkan link
I think it's fair to request that anyone who has posted after the most recent log entry to delete any of their posts regarding this line of thought, as quite clearly, some people either don't get it, or they do and they're persisting to pretend that they don't.

The rest of us appear to be perfectly fine with the whole situation from an OOC standpoint, and as I have said multiple times in the past, what views the player might have are irrelevant when it comes to roleplay, except for, for example, one player thinking the situation is going too far and requesting to either back up and start over or tone it down.

Monk, Zoras, I don't know what your big stink is.

Yes, Lecter-the-character committed at least one morally questionable act over the weekend, but he didn't actually break any of the ROC. Lecter-the-player knew where the boundaries were, and as such, toed the line very very carefully.

I give you all until noon time tomorrow to clean up the thread, clear? Otherwise, I'll have a guide do it.
Dec 13, 2005 icbm1987 link
I said something?

Like... what the hell?

I am Zoras... and I don't think I've posted in this thread...

But now that I am... That's a fine story you have going there!