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A special announcement from IA and IDF

Nov 05, 2005 mgl_mouser link
From: Acting Lieutenant-Council Mogul Velaio, Coalition of Itan
To: ex Itani Defense Force patrollers, current Itani Alliance members
CC: Itani nation, friends and allies
Re: Joyous days of renewed cooperation and partnership

Dear people, pilots, fellow council members and illustrious friends,

It is with great honor that I announce the formal reunification of the Itani Alliance and the Itani Defense force. As of october 25th of 4433, as a single group under the [Itan] banner, we now fly and protect the interest and advancement of the Itani nation. As the new Coalition of Itan, we now have the tools and means to better do our job.

This job, we owe it to the good-earthed nature and indisputable devotion that IDF and IA members have had for the longest time. Those who remain active in duty, and have renewed their term of enrolment, know how much effort and good both these groups have done in the past.

The Coalition of Itan welcomes for enrollment all former IDF pilots and members, as well as all Itani Alliance members and pilots still currently enrolled as IA. The IA will soon be merged over to [Itan].

IA and IDF are officially disbanded as governing units. But their earths and devotion remain and prosper under the Coalition of Itan.

Formal election of the long-term governing body will take place when bureaucracy makes it's way into merging remaining personnel.

The Coalition of Itan's web site is currently in construction where detailed information on the merge partnership will be posted. The IA and IDF sites will be archived on there as well.

Please message me at for urgent affairs.

I can also be reached in channel 100 or private /msg for guild invites. Yasumoto and Holdan can also be reached for membership.

Acting Lieutenant-Council Mogul Velaio
Coalition of Itan
Nov 05, 2005 Dr. Lecter link
Well, you sad excuses for living matter got one thing right:

"we now have the tools"

Tools ya'll are.
Nov 06, 2005 jexkerome link
Nice to get an annoucement of this like, one whole week at least after ethe event.

Shows true IA and IDF timeliness, and gives proof that CoI will follow their traditions of grand standing, posing, and doing either nothing or too little, to late. I for one look forward to pointing out CoI's mistakes and shortcomings in the years to come.

Pose on, Itani!
Nov 06, 2005 mgl_mouser link
Well, unfortunately, Jex, the diplomatic core of CoI got terribly busy last week handling various issues. So, I went ahead of them and made the more official public announcement myself.

This is a requirement for the guides to move over the remaining IA personnel.

As far as our past shortcomings are concerned, just watch us in-game. As a group, we've been very efficient thus far. Far more than we were in the two previous organisations.
Nov 06, 2005 jexkerome link
" As a group, we've been very efficient thus far. Far more than we were in the two previous organisations."

Which, sadly (or amusingly, depending on which side of the fence you are on) isn't saying much. I even hear you're already having spats between members!

True Heirs to IDF and IA, I tells ya!
Nov 06, 2005 Ghost link
As second in command of the Itani Task Force: Skygge Vakter, I would like to voice the support SKV has for the new Coalition of Itan. We are at your service.
Nov 06, 2005 fooz2916 link
What's the difference between CoI and SKV anyway? Just seems like an excuse to have twice as many council and commanders.
Nov 06, 2005 jexkerome link
SKV actually does stuff, even if it's just looking the other way when Niki is terrorizing traders. They also are not into grandstanding and PR like IA and IDF.

Still, militaristic, narrow-minded, not-quite-pirates-yet, active Itani are better any day than plain showroom Itani.
Nov 07, 2005 Holdan link
Thank you, Ghost. I look forward to working together more in the future. :)

Fooz: [Itan] is an all-inclusive Itani guild. We span a broader range of activities than SKV does, which is a more strictly Combat/PvP guild. The Coalition has members which specialize in many areas, though many do cross over into other areas. Our traders may PvP, and CtCers may mine. We don't make demands on our members to all get down to b8 and fight, nor do we require everyone to come mine. We do work as a guild, and because of the combined numbers of our two guilds, we are able to better coordinate cooperative efforts.

And Jex, shush. We were just trying to get Rogue and k.p to write something because these used to be their guilds, but Rogue's internet was down, and k.p seems to have vanished off the face of the planet. I can only assume he's on a trip right now, or swamped with work. Besides which, be glad we posted a topic for you to troll at all. As far as I can see, you've been having a field day.

As for [Itan] *doing* things, you're hardly privy to guild movements. If you'd care to take a look at the CtC scores for this week thus far, we already have 5 players on the boards, and last week we had 8. While this isn't the only gauge of activity, I don't think it's at all accurate or fair to say that [Itan] is a bunch of inactive grandstanders. Now, I'm not gonna further feed the troll, so y'all have a nice night.
Nov 07, 2005 LeberMac link
Thought I would repost jex's keyboard screenshot:

It's becoming more and more appropriate.
I should perhaps add "RP as female character. ^^ "
Nov 07, 2005 Forum Moderator link
While this thread has been a bit more contentious than I like to see, it WAS largely role play. Let us keep it that way please.
Nov 07, 2005 Dr. Lecter link
/me hangs a sweet garland of care-bears and sunshine farts jauntily around the above post.
Nov 07, 2005 Dark Knight link
"Well, you sad excuses for living matter got one thing right:

"we now have the tools"

Tools ya'll are."

...says the toaster.
Nov 08, 2005 jexkerome link
I wonder, Lebermac, which of the two do you consider most annoying, the trolling or the RPing?
Nov 08, 2005 LeberMac link
That's a tough call.

How many "^^" are in the RP-ing?
Nov 08, 2005 jexkerome link
As many as the market will bear, as the saying goes. Why?
Nov 08, 2005 moldyman link
He should be happy he wasn't on for the "^^ will pwn j00" night. Odly enough, that's what drove Smittens mad.
Nov 08, 2005 Celkan link
Oh, but Monk, ^^ will pwn j00...

Hell, it'll pwn j00 in your sleep if it has to...
Nov 08, 2005 LeberMac link
/me runs from the ^^'s... They scare me.
Nov 08, 2005 Lil Jon link
"/me runs from the ^^'s... They scare me."

Joyce = ownt

Fo schizzle.