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The Truth in Deception

Dec 01, 2006 Honor link
A young deck hand clocks in for the early morning shift on the hanger deck of Edras Command. The blast doors are still shut, making the young man a bit nervous, he likes being able to see the stars. Tadpole, as they call him because of his unfortunate resemblance to a station drunk by the name Frog, grabs him mop and heads to his new prize. It showed up about two weeks ago out of nowhere. The stark white Valkyrie Vigilant jumped in to the sector with in feet of the station. No pilot was aboard, so after half a hour of hailing, Tadpole was sent to tow in the vessel.
"Fourteen days," whispered Tadpole under his breath. He'd been waiting for what seemed like an eternity, naval salvage laws require a period of fourteen days to pass before the salvager can claim rights. In fifteen or so minutes the Valk would be his, all his. The deck boss was not happy of course, he wanted the Valk, he deserved the Valk, but records show that the beanpole of a kid Tadpole did complete the salvage. What a shame, a punk kid like that getting such a beautiful ship.


Only minutes away, Tadpoles excitement became apparent to every one on duty. He began to dance with his mop, serenading it with love songs about shooting stuff and getting drunk and about sitting in the cockpit.


Seconds ticked away like years, slowly but deliberately Tadpole mopped his way over to the his shiny prize. Every step he took left more and more oil and debris on the floor, he was becoming nervous, he really wished he could see the stars right now, he wanted to be out there with the stars riding in his wonderful new girl. He had just decided to call the Valk Betty, yeah Betty. It was as good a name as any, right? Such a beautiful machine should have a beautiful name.


Tadpole dropped his mop and began to run his hands along the sides of the vessel. They were smooth, clean, untainted. He made his way to the nose of the craft, standing directly in front he tried to look into the cockpit. It was covered in a mirrored windshield, how did he miss that before.


The proud new owner of the most glorious vessel in all the universe felt a solid mechanical thump deep inside the vessel as he declared "Betty's all mine!" The new pilot felt fear at first, did something break, can he afford to fix it, why aren't the doors open, why can't he see inside the ship? The deck's heavy doors began to open, Tadpole looked only for a second before paying new attention to the vessel. All of a sudden he felt calm, peaceful about his new responsibility, he felt ready. Through his range of emotions the new owner leaned closer into his new possession, leaning his soft midsection against the low slung neutron blaster mkIII. It all happens very fast. The weapon went off, disintegrating the young man even before he could tarnish the paint job.


System Boot...
Power Inverter Closed...
System Check...
....Life Current: Normal
....Glucose Level: High
....Starch Level: Normal
....Reserve Systems: Check
....Secondary Systems: Check
....Flight Systems: Check
....Weapons: Check
System Normal...
Searching for Initiative...
Initiative Loading...
Honor Loaded

Peace fell about the ship as Honor came online, a young man's fears and worries ceased to be of any concern. Honor was ready to do it's job. It's attention fell upon the Lost Child like a warm blanket, comforting him, making him ready, ready for a Reunion with Eo. Honor released a single blast to bring the Child into Unity. Honor had led it's first soul to a Reunion.


Other deck hands rushed over to what was left of everyones favorite deck hand. The first there was a man named Eckana Reman. Fear, anger then finally desperation ran through the gut of the large man. The bastard ship was taking off, Tadpoles' ship was leaving!. As Honor moved around the corps the stars began to reflect on its unscathed hull. The good ship Honor turned toward the now out of breath man, casting a net of calmness over him, he too had become ready. Honor led his second soul to Eo just before boosting out of the hanger and heading to do the work of others.