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May 12, 2007 CORVUS NEWS NETWORK link
The Corvus News Network has filed suit against everyone, everywhere.

As many of you know, Lebermac, drunkard Lieutenant of the Coalition of Itan, kidnapped Sally Koshuni today in a misguided attempt to clear his name. He demanded $55 million credits in ransom money and threatened to kill her if we did not pay.

We are offering 10 million credits to any pilot who can recover Sally Koshuni unharmed.

Our attorneys are diligently filing suit against everyone, everywhere.

The Corvus News Network does not give in to terrorists.
May 12, 2007 moldyman link
What happened with the one who rescued her from LeberMac?
May 12, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
As [ITAN]'s current in-house counsel, I wish to point out that regardless of CNNs publicity whoring, no complaints/lawsuits have been served on anyone at this point. Until such time as CNN has set forth on the public record, by such service and with the requisite particularity, the details of their allegations... I urge all to reserve judgment about what--if in fact anything--has happened.

-Trakus Shar, self-appointed law type pilot of [ITAN]
May 12, 2007 vIsitor link
Let me see...

1) CNN has no standing to sue everybody. LeberMac, The Coalition of Itan, and the Council of Eo are certainly vulnerable to lawsuit, but not everybody else.

2) The Itani, being ruled by the Order of Eo, are under a quasi-religious system of government. Lawsuits may work in the Union Territories, but are more of a symbolic gesture in Blue-Space.

3) Corvus News Network is tied to the Syndicate, therefore you have direct ties with a group of very dangerous terroristic pirate militants, anarchists, and businessmen of not of a reputable sort. We will not stand for your hypocritical outcries--after all, it is you who most often advocates the policy of 'turnabout is fair play'.

4) Sally Koshuni had it coming to her.

Captain Nikan 'Nice' Hardrive,
Union Peace Keeping (Retired)
May 12, 2007 CORVUS NEWS NETWORK link
CNN adds Captain "Nice" Hardrive to the list of defendants.

Dr. Lecter has also been added to the complaint, and we call him a ninny.
May 12, 2007 jexkerome link
On the charge of Ninnydom, all defendants are guilty!

The Prosecution, judge, and jury as well.
May 12, 2007 MSKanaka link
And you.
May 12, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Manharu is a certified ninny.
May 12, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
It was Otto managed to recover a sealed suit of Protective Outerwear with something heavy inside. I personally escorted him to Corvus Hold, where we both attempted communication with the Corvus News Network. Unfortunately, we were not met with a response. In exasperation, Otto sold the suit, and whatever was inside to the first fellow he could at the station. It was believed at the time that we were in possession of Sally Koshuni's stasis pod, but a disturbing alternate theory arose as we later discussed the situation; Either Sally is in the possession of a particularly shady character in Odia M-14, or somebody just paid 1,319 credits for the sticky remains of poor, misguided LeberMac.

Let me add that our actions were always with the best of intentions. Upon hearing of LeberMac's ploy, Otto and I dispatched immediately in an attempt to right such an extensive wrong. Even within our wise nation, there are those who fall under the disillusions of severity. LeberMac's obvious dependence on increasingly potent drugs can be viewed as being just as defiling as modifying one's own biochemistry to achieve greatness, as Serco oft do. That being said, the shame I feel on behalf of my people is not by association with that deranged Lieutenant of the Coalition of Itan, but for irresponsibly allowing him to administer such severe damage to his natural body, and spirit. I sincerely hope that others across the universe will not take LeberMac as an example of one adhering to Itani beliefs.

May 13, 2007 Alicata link
May 13, 2007 moldyman link
May 22, 2007 Roda Slane link