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A Response to Nolan

Jun 04, 2008 Aramarth link
Even now you delude your call for my change of heart with lies. This is exactly what I spoke of in my declaration.

I did not claim guilt by association, I demanded leaders take responsibility for fellow Itani.

The names I included are not named due to being the guilty parties, but due to their influence.

Piracy is done for monetary gain. I do this at great personal loss, all for the raising up of my countrymen. At worst, this makes me a privateer. No where near piracy, but a Nationalist working so hard as to lose dear friends for a cause.

Speaking of friends, wives, brothers, comrades in arms.. the true among them would be supportive of my cause, even if they lack the devotion to do it themselves.

I seek not to fight guilds, alliances, armies. I demand Itani stand up and say to my face that they will no longer claim to be the good guys. If Union or Serco comrades of Itani pilots, through guilds or otherwise, come to fight for you in this cause against me, does it not prove even GREATER that the deception I spoke of exists?

This is a battle for the Itani to fight. No one else is threatened. Any involvement by anyone else strengthens my resolve that the Itani Nation is manipulating the minds of people. Why should Union pilots die to protect your lies? If you are as honest as you claim, you will tell them to stand by and watch while you fight your own battles. Or do you lack the capacity to do that? Have you become dependent on the manipulation of others to fight your battles?

I expected more of you.
Jun 04, 2008 Aramarth link
Every block of text of my first response, other than the introductory first and closing final, was a citation. The fact that you twist my words to make your point in effect proves mine. You claim neutrality, when I have clearly stated that you are among those I hold responsible for teaching the true nature of this conflict to younger Itani pilots. Take responsibility and agree to support the real story by signing. The rest of your arguments are the lies I speak of, designed maliciously to mislead those who might actually care what I have to say. Is destroying ships the best way to go about this? Probably not. Is it something you can ignore? No. I have simply achieved grabbing your attention. As of yet, do you know any Itani pilots who have died?

I call for an admission of guilt as a group, not by individuals. Avoid taking this personally. You, those I have named, are admitting on behalf of your Nation, what has happened. Not on behalf of yourselves.

(signature line in main thread edited at this point for more clarity)
Jun 04, 2008 slime73 link
Stating something does not make it true.
Jun 04, 2008 Aramarth link
>> see no reference to events, nor actions, nor
I cited the deceptions within your post.

>>Why am I responsible?
You are responsible because men follow you. If you teach them to be truthful by signing this declaration, you will be a good example. By nitpicking instead, you are proving to be a poor leader.

>>What others have done has no bearing upon me and should not be held against me
This is incorrect. You call yourself an Itani. You thus have a reputation that goes along with it. All the baggage, whether you subscribe to it or not, is yours because of your birth. A responsible individual would seize this and try to effect change. You instead surrender all responsibility like a child. You are a councilman. Your duty is to solve problems. If you sign this declaration, you are agreeing to stand for truth in the midst of lies that you are probably not responsible for. This is all I ask. I don't ask you to admit you were wrong. I don't ask you to go to war against the liars born in Itani space. I ask you to, publicly, state that Itani liars exist and that you refuse to support them.
Jun 04, 2008 Alioni Royhu link
You cannot choose that you were born an Itani, this is true. But every day that goes when an Itani perpetuates the baseless and hateful lies upon which the Itani war movement is founded and you do not take a stand against it, that is a day when you are contributing to the degradation of the Serco people, and we will not stand for it. It is not guilt by association, it is a guilt of omission, a guilt of standing by while your compatriots visit heinous acts of slander on us that lead to even more heinous acts of violence. As you are apparently unwilling to do anything to remedy the situation, I am glad to see one of my countrymen taking a stand. I fully support his stance, and his actions, and I believe that only good can come of your publicly and firmly stating your opposition to the filth spread by your nation.

Alioni Royhu, Lieutenant and Council of the Serco Defense Force
Jun 04, 2008 Aramarth link
Not only that, Alioni, but Mor continues to accuse me of trying to guilt him. I call for him to stand up against lies, heedless of guilt or innocence. He refuses this simple request.
Jun 04, 2008 Touriaus link
I can assuredly say I will defend my guild from the likes of you or any other nationalist that threatens my guild. I will not tolerate your attitude or your intentions of bringing harm to my guild. Do not come for PA, you will only find me and others ready to defend against fanatics of any nation.

So I warn and encourage you to walk away from us.
Jun 04, 2008 Aramarth link
I can do that.

In other news, four Itani pilots have suffered as a result of the delays in compliance thus far.
Jun 05, 2008 slime73 link
Choosing not to stick with your original claims shows that you aren't sure of what you are saying.
Jun 05, 2008 amotoma link
So, you've decided to hold all Itani hostage until your demands are met. And now you've already started killing them? Smells like someone has taken a Corvus crash course in diplomacy.
There's sense in your words but it's deeply buried beneath frustration and bloodlust.

You won't get me to sign anything by acts of extortion.
Jun 05, 2008 Lord~spidey link
Too much Text not enough shoot!
Jun 05, 2008 Aramarth link
Amo, you would be buried beneath frustration too, if you were wronged as I have been. I was inches from going berserk and not telling anyone. Imagine, a Viper and known ally flying over and blasting you with no warning. Not a pretty picture. I have enough decency left to at least offer you warning.

Spidey, you posted in the other thread. Please move that one here. Apparently you didn't read the other one, because it makes that clear. I hate, and laugh, at people who prove as you have that they post without reading. It basically makes their entire existence on a forum void.

My original claim was misunderstood, slime. It is a sign that I am rational every time I choose to refine it. My meaning has not faltered, nor wavered. The Itani collective has made certain again and again that I am their foe even while lying through their teeth in my FACE about being ALLIES. Stop the lies, slime. Sign the declaration. Not for me, because you obviously couldn't care less. Do it for your pilots. It is they who are paying for your stubbornness.

Prove your superiority and the rightness of your cause with arms, Itani. Do not insult the wise and mislead the feeble-minded with your attempts at reinventing history. SIgn it! Two of the traders already have. Be the first nationalist to sign and history will remember you fondly.
Jun 05, 2008 hangroy link
As a council member in good standing with the itani people I must appeal to your common sense Vehement. Do you really believe that you will be able to influence us by shooting down our pilots? No! I for one welcome the chance to swap plasma with you in hopes of knocking some sense back in between your grey matter.

I came into this battle between the Itani and Serco many years after it had already started and I can honestly say my agenda is slightly different than some.

Here is my stand, I will diligently defend my itani brothers/sisters with all that I can bring to bear until the point you give up or come to your senses.

I realise you are in much the same position as many of the people you wish to hear from. Long has the war continued beyond our meager influence and probably will long after we are gone so on one point I will agree with you both sides are equally at fault but I cannot sign any agreement at this time. If at some point I am approached by enough of my countrymen I will gladly sign and hand my decleration directly to you.

You honor yourself and your people.

Council member
Jun 05, 2008 Sraer link
Just a little heads up,
the majority of the names you require signature for, are in [ITAN].
In other words, you're clearly outnumbered, outmatched, and RESPECTED.
I suggest that you, Aramarth/Vehement/whoever the heck you are, take that the conflict is both sides fault, but don't think it won't stop yet, because it won't end, until every last one of the pilots that can fight, is dead.
Therefore, you're still outmatched, outnumbered, but RESPECTED.

Captain Sraer
Supporter of all things trade, mining, and antipirate (little green man should run, when I come back)
Jun 05, 2008 MSKanaka link
The reason for that is that he has asked for signatures of (by and large) any Itani with a rank of Council or above in the active guilds... and by far, [Itan] has the largest concentration of them. He's not singling out [Itan] by any means. His relative indiscrimination with how he decided who he asked for signatures from just happens to target [Itan] because of what the guild is -- an Itani guild.
Jun 05, 2008 hangroy link
Yes, if you actually look at who he is asking for signatures from it calls for those of us itani that hold positions of authority in the itani community ie. Council members and Officers of guilds who by deed or action have earned respect in the itani community and therefore is responsible for the community as a whole.

Tohasandra Chi is by no means furthering the aims of our militant guild but as a prominent member of the itani society she has been targeted, Mor/Miharu though not directly funding or fighting for the Itani cause are prominent members of itani society and thus have influence over the rest of the common people.

It is this influence we as Itani must use to clear this mess up with as little casualties as possible, on both sides, and I ask Vehement to reconsider his actions as I have always believed him as a resonable individual.

Council Member
Jun 05, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Veh, just kill them all and eat their livers.

Trust me, you'll feel better.
Jun 05, 2008 LeberMac link
Wait, what's going on? Sorry, I was over here drinking and shooting things.

[ LeberMac reads more posts and comes back to lookee ]

Oh, I see. Faux/Vehement/'marth/et. al. is declaring war on all blue pilots.

Jun 05, 2008 genka link
Leber, I think you're missing the real awesomeness of this thread:
The awesome signature trend we're starting!

Jun 05, 2008 Aramarth link
The count of Itani who have suffered due to Itani delays is now 11.

You are correct, in that I seek influential Itani for signatures. By and large, these are not those who will lose ships due to my crusade, but it is their decision to speak and support the truth in the future which I demand. If they value their fellow Itani in the slightest, they will sign sooner than later.