Trident Arms Syndicate - [TRI]
Trident Arms Syndicate is a business oriented guild dedicated to the production and distribution of the finest weapons, modules, and capship components in the galaxy! Based in greyspace and operating throughout Itani, Serco, and UIT nation space - our goal is to provide pilots access to the finest weapons and modules in the ‘verse, and to provide our members with the resources, training, and opportunities for growth they need to thrive as pilots and professionals. [TRI] is a neutral, unaligned manufacturing guild and does not permit acts of piracy or nationalism within its ranks. We maintain a strong security wing and, being weapons specialists, our members are encouraged to participate in consentual PvP combat!
View our mission statement for a more complete description of what we are about:
Joining [TRI] is easy! Anyone in the 'verse can send invites to [TRI] by sending a properly formatted private message(ex: /msg Nihilus /invite "Player Name") to one of our inviting members(CO, LT). This means that all members and even nonmembers can invite new pilots to the guild. But always remember that being part of [TRI] is a privilege and honor. Losing this privilege can be as easy as gaining it if one doesn't understand what we are about. At the end of the day we just want all of our members to be successful and have a good time providing servies to the rest of the 'verse. We aren't the guild that's looking to screw over everyone. We have ethics. We value fairness, civility, and honor above all else. This is the [TRI] way.
Guild Home Site
575 Regular members
5 Lieutenants
6 Council members
1 Commander