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Regarding the practice of following Collectors to Queens...

Jan 18, 2005 paedric link
I have often wondered why it is Collectors that one must follow when logically, one should follow the Transports back to the Queen. The Collectors should be dropping their load with the Transports and the Transports should be delivering it back to the Queen. The Transporst serve no purpose otherwise, and the Collectors would be ill used having to pop off to the Quean every time their bellies where full.

/givemelon "Devs" 2
Jan 18, 2005 ctishman link
Y'know, that makes a hell of a lot of sense, somehow.
Jan 18, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
I tend to think that collectors collect ore and bring it to the Queen. The Queen processes it and then loads it onto transports to transport the processed ore to wherever it needs to go. That's why there's an Aerna Transport hanging around each Queen.
Jan 19, 2005 Beolach link
Related to this... In a lot of grey systems, it's tough to find any collectors to follow back to the Queen. But there are usually Transports around that could be followed.
Jan 20, 2005 KixKizzle link
How about the devs keep track of the raw materials that the bots collect. The queen bots then instruct their transports to build a secret base in a secret location through a secret unknown wh. Our job is to find this wh and blow up the queen bee's station. Everyone in the sector when the station is blown up is awarded 5000 xp in all license levels.

This is what anevitt is so adamantly talking about. It's called RAIDS! Also when the station is destroyed OR the mega queen (I'm kinda leaning towards mega queen now....) It drops a special weapon/and or a couple special weapons. Now these weapons could be bid on for credits and the ability to "loot" them would go to the group that had the most damage done to it. Whoever won the bid would give the money to the person organizing the raid and then the money distributed among the players playing.

Of course there would have to be a command signing over the authority to loot by the group leader to the person who won the bid (and or persons).

/kill reassign ">bidwinner<"

If anyone is skeptical as to this working... Well it worked PERFECTLY in EnB and raids went on constantly. And raids are known throughout many other mmorpg's and I think it's just what this game needs to get players interacting more. Also the mega queen would require something like at least 15 players to destroy that way it wouldn't be a hit and run deal done by a lone pilot.

/givemoney Devs 2c
Jan 20, 2005 Anevitt link
lol Kix I like the idea there. Somthing in Vendetta such as your example there would definitely encourage not only group work but gettin the players to explore a little bit as well. The reward would be worthwile and (provided players will eventually be able to store equipment in their holds in the future) would be a great way to introduce "unique" weapons to the game. And thats definitely somthing that a game like this could use.
Jan 21, 2005 Phaserlight link
Jan 21, 2005 KixKizzle link
That's a cool idea too.
Jan 22, 2005 IRS link
Heh, it wasn't quite perfect back in yee olde days of EnB, but if the entire bidding/pot/loot/split could be handled by the game itself, that would solve nearly all the problems it did have, though it was fun to run the fish fry :)

Back on the main topic, I do agree that collectors should move their resources to the transports, which then take off to the Queen. It makes for logistical sense- you use units best suited to large scale transport to haul around materials. Collectors and transports that head for the queen ought to appear in the queen's sector- reinforcements if the queen is attacked, and just a cool detail to give sectors a more 'connected' feeling.
Jan 22, 2005 mgl_mouser link
Perhaps it should be a little more difficult to find queens.

Imagine a scenario where, enlisting for a Hive Hunt mission, one would have to follow collector bots from one bot sector to another (possibly stormed even) to eventually find these bots dumping their loads in front of transports.

Then these transports go to the hive queen, possibly through a couple of hoops (and guess what? Guardians are protecting it!).

Then, when you find the queen, you can return to your base to give the hive queen position.

Mission A accomplished. Medal. Ceremony. Neut4s.

Mission B starts. However wants to claim a queen, the mission will tell them where to find one.

10 queens later. Medal. Ceremony. Celebrations. Tap on shoulder.