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To impress people at E3...

Apr 21, 2003 Urza link
Give people in each nation 1 million creds, then set them into a sector with nukes and stuff, and set a camera up in theat sector. BOOM! BOOM!! ZAP! BOOM!!! all the pretty blue flashes and explosions will surely help you guys out! everyone loves explosions!
Apr 21, 2003 hazaanko link
I think the devs should hand-select a bunch of players and set up a special sector that the players can duke it out in. Perhaps the players could collaborate on certain maneuvers/explosions to set up that would wow the E3 audience.
Apr 21, 2003 roguelazer link
Sign me up!
Apr 21, 2003 Urza link
yeah, that sounds good. and nukes. cant forget the nukes.
Apr 21, 2003 Pyro link
I'll do it! Please??? Pretty please???
Apr 21, 2003 Chaos link
lol nukes... i cant seem to get away from them... :(
Apr 21, 2003 a1k0n link
Heh. Maybe we'll stage a full-on capital ship assault that weekend, and sure, free-for-all with credits.
Apr 21, 2003 Arolte link
What point will that get across to the publishers? Cool graphics, yeah, but you want to convince them that this will be a fun game that is balanced also. Something that lots of people would play for a long time. If all you're gonna show 'em is a nukefest, it'll give 'em the impression that everyone would basically fly around, nuke each other, kill themselves in the process, and repeat all this until everyone's outta money. Not good. Sorry, had to jump in and burst everyone's bubble.

Apr 21, 2003 Pyro link
Actually, he has a point. What would be interesting is to not only have a frag-fest (to show them the combat), but also to have a few comps and let them sit down and try it out for themselves for a little. Maybe even a trailer. I saw a really good one for IL-2 that used O Fortuna and made me want to run out and buy the game REALLY badly... a1k0n, when and where exactly is E3? Any chance you can get a few of us in to "show off vendetta"? :P
Apr 21, 2003 roguelazer link
Cap ships? Will this be in our universe? If so, what sector? What time? Can I take pictures?
Apr 21, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
i'm sure it'll be at e3 just to show what is to come, mmm frigate, itani class of course! with thousands of robot controled valks on board, i'd lov to pick a fight with one of those, blast, undock, kill, dock.
Apr 21, 2003 Pyro link
Devs! Get us a lot of coverage of this!
Please please please??? :P
Apr 22, 2003 CrazySpence link
haha i can just see a publisher sitting down to try the game and like Phoenix bankrupts them and then they take their business elsewhere
Apr 22, 2003 Pyro link
Hehe... We could ban people who would do that, maybe... :P Or set up a different server...
Apr 22, 2003 Captain Rambone link
I think having a computer where people can try it makes sense. Interactive is almost always good. But I think the mass explosions/dogfights sounds good. Look... you have to catch attention at a trade show. There's going to be lots going on there.

In order to make the point that you are pulling people into the world of Vendetta (or rather the world of Vendetta within your "booth" area) you can have two Monitors set up on either side of the entrance to the interactive display. The Monitors would be showing the mass dog-fight. It brings two points home... Massively Multiplayer for one... and the other is Space Combat.

Trailers are art. They show extremes, they accentuate points. They show the most glaring originalities that a game has at first glance. People will know its deeper. Because those you attract into the booth with the pretty explosions and pretty ships flying all about will get a demonstration or a sit down of the depth.

That's my two cents... maybe one of these pennies will turn out to be a rare 1943 full on copper penny and bring you lots of loot! 8->
Apr 22, 2003 hazaanko link
Well done Capt. Rambone. /me applauds :D
Apr 22, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Listen, just add tazers to that booth and you have a "Computer User Zapper" like the misquito zapper, but loader thuds when they fall.

That is perfect, maybe borrow a projection display and have that one pop to someone fighting, if that person stops fighting for 10 seconds it will pop to another, no more then 10 seconds of non fighting on the screen!
Apr 23, 2003 Roger Ramjet link
Easy, just setup a 10sqm LED wall in your booth.
It'll give you super-bright and super-large graphics to draw the crowds and also beat into crying submission all the poxy 40" plasma screens the other booths will be using......hehe!

Imagine it, 10sqm of Phoenix getting BOOMED!
Apr 22, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
/me still slavers over Inf cash nuke-fest
Apr 23, 2003 Captain Rambone link
Can someone build a working Avalon launcher in time for E3? If you can't beat the competition you might as well send them to Hell in a corona of blueish energy. That's always my motto. phwooooo--ohhhhhssssssh! niiice.