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Greenlight! Help Vendetta Online get on Steam!

Mar 22, 2013 Snake7561 link
This is a bit old, but did it get accepted?
(Oh, and what ship are they flying in the video?)
Mar 22, 2013 tarenty link
I'm curious to see some statistics or progress reports myself. There is no way to judge the status of the greenlight from the user's side besides from the comments.

They're flying the raptor.
Mar 23, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Heh, with the greenlight the main thing is just keeping the damn negative reviews off the front page. Why people who have spent absolutely no time playing the game feel the need to come in and write "ITS A BAD EVE CLONE -1" is completely beyond me. So when they do just take the opportunity to write good things about VO until they clear off the page.
Mar 23, 2013 CrazySpence link
A system like that is why I will continue to dislike steam and not give them money
Mar 24, 2013 PaladinOfLancelot link

Sorry to say that, but even if you get this game into Steam, this will fail, the same as
- Kickstarter failed
- Android/tablet version failed

Don't you get it yet after so many failed attempts ? You keep making the same mistakes over & over into infinity.
It doesn't matter how many platforms you port this game to. This game lacks MOST BASIC FEATURES. The features it has now were cool & awesome 10 years ago and are just not enough comparing to 98% other games today.

It needs a complete overhaul or at least implementation of few ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL features to become "playable" by today's standards and increase its player base beyond the hardcore players.

The hardcore players is another problem. It occured to me (and they even admitted it in few threads) that their needs are completely incompatibile with the needs of the rest of the population. So it is impossible to satisfy them without them changing their habits at least a little.

Either fix these problems or this game will either die or keep living in its stagnated limbo.
Mar 24, 2013 TheRedSpy link
shut up PoL
Mar 24, 2013 Samwise9 link
Sorry to say that, but even if you get this game into Steam, this will fail,

Mar 25, 2013 PaladinOfLancelot link

Yeah, i know i suck and i should shut up forever.
Anything else I already know you wanted to tell me ?


Harsh truth hurts, I know.
Mar 25, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Mar 25, 2013 Samwise9 link
Mar 25, 2013 Phaserlight link
Let's get back on track, people.
Mar 25, 2013 Sleepy Time link
Pol stfu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and DIE MFer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 25, 2013 slime73 link
Well, the image macros are better than the post above them.
Mar 25, 2013 Phaserlight link
I think it's funny that PoL views the Android port as a failure, given it's the #2 platform according to Incarnate. I also play on Android quite a lot, and really enjoy it.

As far as Steam is concerned, I'm kind of with CS in that the voting system greenlight has seems to be less than optimal. The folks at Valve are probably aware of this. If VO does get green-lit, it can only help.

In the meantime, I discovered another game in development through greenlight with a Kickstarter campaign I supported. I probably would not have found it if it hadn't been for VO's greenlight campaign, just like I wouldn't own an Android phone today if not for VO.
Mar 25, 2013 Pizzasgood link
Wow Sleepy Time, way to actually make PoL look good by comparison. That's impressively pathetic, actually.

I mean, just because he has the brain capacity of a three year old doesn't mean that he also has a toddler's fragile emotions, no matter how much of a poopyhead he might be. Like most trolls, his foul hide is clearly robust enough to survive angry text on the internet.

So instead of screaming at him like a cranky girl who just heard somebody question Bieber's orientation, hit him where he hurts: his irrelevancy. Self important people hate that. That's why they get on the internet and babble about how awesome they and their ideas are, and why they get so bent out of shape when everybody just dismisses them.

Also, I just want to reiterate that VO is a successful game, even if it is not yet a successful massively multiplayer game. It hasn't made the devs millions, but it has kept them fed and out of the cubicles of damnation where PoL likely works. The game is alive, has hundreds of players, and has at least a hundred very dedicated players who truly love it. The devs are able to spend their time doing what they love. That is success, not failure.

Failure is when you make lame whiny posts about how much successful people suck, instead of going out and being awesome.
Mar 26, 2013 PaladinOfLancelot link

### hit him where he hurts: his irrelevancy. Self important people hate that. ###

Nope, pizzas. Not gonna work.

I already know I am irrelevant. I am irrelevant when it comes to the future of this game. Because nobody here will listen to anything I have to say even if i was the smartest person in the freakin' universe.

It doesn't really matter whether what i say has merit or not. Nobody listens. Ever. And then they hurt themselves by repeating their mistakes. Over and over and over and over again.

I mean, how much self-inflicted pain can people take before they start listening to reason ? This is simply astounding.
Mar 26, 2013 Kierky link
Go away.
Mar 26, 2013 Snake7561 link
Oh, PoL....
Maybe drop that "Holier than thou" attitude. "Because nobody here will listen to anything I have to say even if i was the smartest person in the freakin' universe."
See what I mean? Implying that you're the smartest person in the universe and that you have all the right ideas is annoying as fuck.
And what's with the #####? Ever hear of quotation marks?
Mar 26, 2013 Pizzasgood link
In his defense, he wasn't implying that he is the smartest in the universe. You may need to recalibrate your implication detectors slightly.

And PoL: You are only proving my point.
Mar 26, 2013 Dr. Lecter link
even if i was the smartest person in the freakin' universe

No chance of that.