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Standing not increasing why?

May 01, 2023 manonpiano link
Hello, I'm looking to increase my serco standing to work on certain missions that require docking rights in serco space but I'm having a situation here and not shure on what depends on it, my serco standing is not advancing nothing, Why? does it depends from another factor I'm not considering about this?

Looking forward for anybody who can help on this, thanks :)
May 01, 2023 Aryko link
Can you give an example for what activity you are doing to gain standings?

Since you said you wanted docking rights, it's likely you are killing bots in serco space. Are you not seeing it raise at all after killing 10-20 bots, even after restarting? Might be a bug report then.

There's also a limit on max nation faction standing but that's also not an issue here im guessing.

There's no other factor I can recall that could prevent standing gains. Even if you are Itani, you should be able to.
May 01, 2023 We all float link
Are you shooting hive bots? Or doing something else?
May 02, 2023 manonpiano link
Yes I tried it by killing several bots and wasn't changing but after a couple days tried it again and now it worked, the standing is changing now on each bot I kill, still don't on on what depends why it was "freezed".

thanks for the help I'll try to keep searching into this to see if it repeats again.
May 02, 2023 manonpiano link
Just hive bots in serco space (Pyronis)
May 03, 2023 Aryko link
That's likely a bug, post on the bug forum if it freezes again
May 03, 2023 Inevitable link
Can you give us more information. What nation are you, what are your current standings, what sector were you killing bots, how many did you kill?
May 05, 2023 Pup link
It was probably because you had a temporary KOS standing. Probably from killing a player or an NPC in the respective nation. If you have a temporary KOS you can't increase standing until it expires, which I think is like 24 hours in game time.