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A tip of my hat to all you fine testers.

Jul 10, 2004 Cam link
With new beta accounts opening up "soon" TM and the full release on it's way, our nice little (albeit dysfunctional) family will be growing. There have been lots of suggestions regarding something special for us testers so I figured why not take it into our own hands.

The guild system will be in place "soon" and I figured why not have a "testers guild" there wouldn't be any rules to follow, if you want to pirate, by all means do so, if you're perfectly happy doing loop-de-loops in your pink ship, then I'm happy for you. And of course everyone with an account right now is free (and encouraged) to join.

Now a guild that encompasses all the players may seem like an odd idea, but in the future there will be many more players, and the guild could become something of a status symbol, just a simple reminder that we were here before the missions, or before the universe, or however far back you came.

There are a few problems with this idea that I have no real control over, so it may just fall apart.
For example: If we can only join one guild, i doubt this one will be the prime choice.
or If the devs do have something special lined up for us, then I'm assuming players wont really care.
But the most important problem is... How do I know who's a tester, obviously right now it's easy, but when beta accounts open up there will be new players who may say they were here before, and i would hate to turn someone away just because I can't verify it.

So that's about it. If you have a genius solution to the problem above, or would just like to comment on the idea, become a member, or think of good name for the guild (because I'm drawing a blank :D) then post away.

Jul 10, 2004 Thanquol link
Perhaps as the name for the guild:
Guild 1337

Jul 10, 2004 roguelazer link
Guild Über
Jul 10, 2004 Magus link
Maybe not a guild, but a special ID number to designate you. 1337.

But what about those of us who are going to have to take a one to two year gap before being able to join the pay to play version of the game? How will you know who we are to admit us into the guild?
Jul 10, 2004 harvestmouse link
I'm sure we'll remember you, Sage :)... even if you aren't able to use the same name
Jul 11, 2004 Cam link
Magus: It wouldn't really be a guild anyways since there's no rules or code of conduct or anything, it would basically just be a tag that says you were a tester and hey if we get the benefits that a guild gets (I don't know what they would be or even if they would exist) then that's a bonus :D

Also I could ask for names and passwords if you'd like, so when you are able to rejoin the game you could just tell me your name/pass and then I would know
Jul 11, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
I was told I had to post. So here I am.
Jul 11, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Excellent use of server space SL! Great work I applaud your efforts to make the 2005 Spam Awards Top 20! :p

I like Magus's idea personally, 'nuff said
Jul 11, 2004 lunitary link
a solution for your problem Cam...

just ask the devs, very nicely, to simply add the tag that Magus suggested (i like it better than the guild idea) to our current users since we are all beta testers ATM.
Jul 11, 2004 genka link
You people are all insane! INSANE!
Jul 11, 2004 UncleDave link
Does it have to be "1337"? >.>

Just a "V" would be more stylish. :p
Jul 11, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
just add a small vendetta betatesters logo in our statusscreen.

Something like:

-SbOeOtNa-[TM] , or a little stylish vendetta V

Jul 11, 2004 Lin link
hmmm, a nice stylished Vendetta-sign would be very nice ... i like the idea.

Linda (-:
Jul 11, 2004 luke.c link
just gimme anything i can barg about to my friends who can't sign up any more :D
Jul 11, 2004 randomblast link
uh..wait, wtf?
the above post is on my brother's account, it's really me.
(for some reason i was logged in on his account ???)
Jul 11, 2004 Black Omega link
NOOOOOO no 1337 sp33k....
Jul 11, 2004 Cam link
Okay i think i need to explain this again...
the testers "guild" as i suggested is just making use of the guild system that will be implemented... I too would just like some sort of tag, or logo in our charinfo screen instead of a full fledged guild, but with the developers busy making the game work... this is something we can do on our own by using the guild system to accomplish the same goal.

If the devs would like to put a note that we were testers in our info, then the guild would be completely unnecessary, but I'm making this suggestion on the assumption that they have more important issues at hand.
Jul 11, 2004 Sheean link
So the question is: HOW DO WE NAME THIS GUILD?


Testers guild
Guild 1337
Guild über
Jul 11, 2004 Shinaku link
w00t, first time i've ever really posted here!

Aaanyway, yeah I think it will be a good idea, however I probably wont be joining any of you on it past public beta or when ever the pay to play gets implimented. Still, its p0w4h!
Jul 11, 2004 raybondo link
How about a 'Beta Tester' accomplishment that shows up when you do a /charinfo on someone? Should it be a permanent accomplishment for your user (which means any new characters you get will automatically receive this accomplishment) or should it just be added to the current characters and if you delete your character you lose the accomplishment?