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Just a small request.

Sep 30, 2004 Arolte link
Okay, tonight's chat was filled with arguments about which MMORPG or space sim was better. One guy even had the nerve to play Vendetta for like five seconds and then bash the game, only to finally realize about an hour or so later that he was just wasting his time. I have no problem with you liking whatever game or trying to meet up with people you knew from these previous titles, but when people start to argue about which game(s) is better, it just turns into pointless bickering that splits up the community.

Please, for the love of god leave stuff like that in the forums. I had trouble reading and responding to newbies who needed help because of this. I had to dodge between chat that read somewhere along the lines of "EVE IS BETTER!!" "No, E&B is the best!!!" "you both suck, Vendetta is the shiznit!" etc. etc. An occasional debate is okay, but when you've got three or four groups of people arguing back and forth about things which aren't even related to each other for hours on end.... it sort of gets old and becomes just as a bad a spam. Just a heads up.

And let me just make one thing clear. While Vendetta had many outside influences during its development process, it's still its own unique game. It's a hybrid genre that contains elements of popular space combat titles and MMORPGs. But it is by no means supposed to compete with any of these previous titles. The developers had their own unique ideas in mind when they made they game. If some things appear similar, they simply learned from and took great ideas from their personal influences. That's all.

So here's my advice: Enjoy the game for what it is. Have fun with it. Explore the universe. If you think you have a great idea which might contribute to the game (be it from your own brain or from another game), feel free to make a suggestion in the suggestions forum. That's why it's there.
Sep 30, 2004 Magus link

Vendetta is a game in its own right. Please don't treat it like a cheap replacement for E&B or whatever other game you can't play anymore. I realize E&B is your first love and all, but really. It's time to move on. :P

Don't take this as a flame on any other games or a zealous protection of Vendetta, I'm just saying that you're here to test Vendetta. Comparisons to other games' mechanics are irrelevant, and complaints about how this game "isn't what I'm used to" are even moreso.
Oct 01, 2004 RazorsKiss link
Even if you LIKE the other games' mechanics?

I've played somewhere on the order of 70 space sims, and with that sort of library, you're bound to find a comparison for any particular aspect of a game. You're also going to find things you consistently like, and do not like, as a common thread through them all. Those who have a lot of experience should give examples of what certain aspects of the game compare to, no?

This isn't going to be like any other game. It's going to be the second EVER first person, skill-based MMORPG space sim. E & B was closer to EVE's category, as neither are particularly slanted toward first person combat. They are sim *only* games, and they do not sim from the pilot's perspective the same way these tye of games do. MMO deathmatch sims are not going to be the same, either, because they have a completely different paradigm. These games are a totally different genre.

Aspects from some of the above WILL be seen in this game though, and it helps to outline exactly what the game is, and is not, before people invest too much time into it. It IS going to be heavily Player versus Player, and it IS going to have lots, and lots of combat.

It is NOT going to be an Eve, or E & B, or Tachyon, or Freespace 2, or IWar 2, or XvT, or Allegiance, or Freelancer, or Starlancer, or Homeworld, or Ace of Angels, or SWG:JTL, or even the heir apparent to the "classics" like Elite, or Privateer.

It is one of a VERY select few within it's own genre - loosely related, but not really similar. There's only a few similar games.

Jumpgate - the first in the genre VO is breaking into - MMORPG First person spaceflight sim. There isn't any others yet. VO will be #2 to make it to retail.

Ace of Angels - The eternal alpha test, but similar to both JG and VO.

It's not "which game WAS better" - because obviously, we're looking for something else. But really, there's nothing else in this category - so don't compare apples and oranges - just play, and test, the game you're being allowed to test - in the spirit of the Beta Tester's job - to find bugs, and squash them. Hurry up, learn the game, so you know what you're looking for, and how to recognize what is "normal", and what is not. The old game you used to play doesn't matter here, except when you suggest somethign that will APPLY to this game, and fit into how THIS game plays, and it's basic feel.

Don't compare apples and oranges, and say one is better than the other. An orange is good because it's very juicy, soft, and has that great tang. An apple is good because there's no annoying peel, it's nice and crunchy, and goes well in a pie. But, whether you like one or the other is only your personal opinion.

Just play the game, and don't whine about how the game sucks, or you wish you were playing something else - just play THIS game.
Oct 01, 2004 Forum Moderator link
...and if something DOES suck, post a better approach to the problem in the Suggestions forum where it will actually be seen by the game developers.
Oct 01, 2004 yodaofborg link
Yeah, great points, i think the main one should be *keep your suggestions to the forum* when theres over 100 people online, all coming from differing titles, and some been here for years, there are bound to be a few conflicts (human nature i think they call it) just try keep it helpfull/non hostile!... I myself noticed a player who had been online for obviously less than one day, im usually a prety helpfull guy, but errrm *this game (unrepeatable, but very childish), its not like EnB* - then asked for help, then flamed the game more, and then i dont know, found his way on everyones ignore list i think....