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Not Understanding Licenses

Oct 01, 2004 Sir Ny link
Help me understand what the relationship between my char info which is
Combat Piloting License: 0 (60/2000)
Light Weapons License: 0 (95/2000)
Heavy Weapons License: 0 (10/2000)
the license I need to buy a Ship EC-101 Required License 1/1-/-/? Ny
Oct 01, 2004 octopusfluff link
The notation of 1/1/-/- represents the minimum license levels you need. It is in the form of: C/L/H/T.. Where..
L=Light Weapons
H=Heavy Weapons

A - means there's no minimum requirement. A number means you need to have at least that level.

In this case, you need to get to 2000 in each of the mentioned licenses in order to take the license test to proceed (which doesn't require effort itself, just cash).

Take the combat training mission, and stay in it a while. You'll get there. :)
Oct 01, 2004 RattMann link
What octopusfluff didn't mention was the significance of the numbers after each
license type. Example:

Combat Piloting License: 0 (60/2000)

0 = Your current license level
60 = Your current "score" in the combat pilot catagory
2000 = The "score" required to achieve the next highest level.

But perhaps you've figured that out already.....
Oct 01, 2004 Sir Ny link
ok I understand it now. thanks Ny