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Homers (Vets should read this)

Oct 11, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
Here's a hint at dodging: Missles now head towards you are going (Thanks eldy), and by that they don't mean AUTOAIM direction, but real course (Say a normal strafe roll). In other words, you gotta be random in your calculated dodging.
Oct 11, 2004 genka link
I'll join in with the whiners on this.
If one homer is dodge-able, any more than three are impossible. They were fine the way they were.
Oct 11, 2004 Starfisher link

Pirating in groups... well I guess the game has changed from allowing the single lonewolf pirate. Oh well. Time to move on, then.

Coming out of a wormhole: Yes. That's what I used to do before I took pity on traders and tried to be a "good" pirate by asking for/giving time for a drop. They were dead probably before they got a lock on me. Now, if I ask for a drop, I get a full rack of swarms/geminis on me. If I understand your circle turbo technique correctly, I will not be able to attack a trader effectively without homing missles of my own. I'm trying to avoid missle spam here, but if that's the way the game is going... I guess so be it. Pity we have all those other weapons in there.

Piro: Interesting. How do you get enough momentum in those random directions to dodge? My trouble is that unless I turbo, I don't have enough speed to cut inside their turning radius. Turbo doesn't allow for random motion, much. :/

I guess what I'm complaining about here is that it is no longer possible to remain actively engaged with a target while dodging homers/swarms. Having missles locked on necessitates you breaking contact and dodging, and with the new engine/battery scheme breaking contact means losing the target. Perhaps one or more of these gameplay factors will change with the next update and invalidate everything I've said so far. I sure hope so.

If I find the time this week I'll give "good" pirating a try again and see what happens. If I can't make that work, then screw it. Silent but deadly should still work.