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Alias question :)

Oct 06, 2004 Ksah link
I was challenged today by a Serco fighter for my cargo, and was messaged to dump my cargo.
What I was wondering is, how would one make an alias to send them a reply?
alias Neutral "msg 'I am a non hostile neutral'"
bind "\" neutral
is not working :(
Anyone have any suggestions?
Oct 06, 2004 red cactus link
The reason why it's not working is that you need a target to send your msg to. Right now you don't have enough arguments. Would %target% help in this case, anyone? the way. If you're challenged by a pirate for your cargo, telling them you're neutral and/or non hostile won't make a lick of difference :P.
Oct 06, 2004 Durgia link
if you target the person in question and make a msg %target% blahblah etcc it should work, look in the binds and alias thread for more ideas.
Oct 06, 2004 Eldrad link
you probably meant say_sector instead of msg. The msg command sends a message only to the player specified by the next argument. Which in your case tried to send a message to 'I am a non hostile neutral' and as far as I know there's no one online by that name. Try:

Send a message just to the person you're targeting:
alias neutral "msg %target% 'I am a non hostile neutral'"

Send a message to everyone in your current sector:
alias neutral "say_sector 'I am a non hostile neutral'"
Oct 07, 2004 Tertior link
Ksah: For bind a msg to a key look the thread and my post.
Oct 07, 2004 genka link
'msg %target% blah' won't work on players in guilds. The %target% variable comes up something like '[tag]name' when the player's name is actually just 'name.'
This is probably a bug, but I figured it's not that major.
Oct 07, 2004 Ksah link
All very helpful answers!

Went with %target% and it seems to get the job done...but really what I was looking for is a way to reply (/msg) with a predefined message using a bound key without having to actually target anything.

I have read and reread the entire sticky on binds and aliases exhaustively, learning a great many things. But alas, no way to do what I previously stated.
Thanks again though, everyone :)
Oct 08, 2004 yodaofborg link
Ksah, i would have taken a sector message ( say or say_sector work....) and as im now part of the CLM you wont be able to reply with %target% ;) not sure if *i am non hostile* would have cut it though..... *WEG*
Oct 09, 2004 Tertior link
Open your wgaf.cfg and write this for example : alias ha$ "say what u want"
bind "$" ha$
You bind a key for a msg.
Oct 09, 2004 RelayeR link
/bind j jettison