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So what do you think of the new V beta?

Oct 09, 2004 yodaofborg link
I have been here a long time, even if most of you dont rememeber me (i used to be a quiet peep, chat/bored wise at least....) If ya'lls encountered me in my trader days, kool, i used to run a lot, infact if you could catch me in the old days, i would talk to a few of you station camped me (there was turrets still) you got blatted I laughed in general still.... i didnt know what the hell was going

what do you think of vendetta-online beta i suppose??

not like the old days huh?

But still, not the same, and yes wh camping was wrong then, i still have had pure fun since the last reset... and i hope some of you have too, bigger *sectors*, story, cap ships, i see a big life here, how about you??...
Oct 09, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
I've had a lot of fun in the beta until yesterday.

Yesterday and this morning. Mainly that's because I died a bunch of times and depeted my supply of cash, and have been trying and mainly failing to maintain a supply of money, but I suppose that's cuz I really never cared for trading, so I just never had a lot of money anyway...

Well... I guess it's nose to the grind stone....
Oct 09, 2004 Houn link
Yes, that's my only realy complaint at the moment. Seems the only way to make cash is to trade. I'd much rather be a fighter pilot, but to afford weapons and ammo I need to be a trader...

More cash-making options for the warriors in the hizzie, plizzie? ;D
Oct 09, 2004 Forum Moderator link
I haven't traded at all yet, and I've lost a few ships in combat. It can be done.
Oct 10, 2004 Ben Shaw link
I find that Collecting the scrap and ores that bots drop does the trick for a fighters cash flow. but then again, you would expect a trader to be richer than a fighter pilot surely :)

Back onto the main subject.... I love vendetta beta. Its the best its been since started playing back in 3.2 and this extra injection of players has helped so much. Now all we need are more pirates so the pirate hunters are outnumbered :D. There isnt much content, the missions are simple and repetitive, but the fun of it isnt the missions and levelling up, its the community and pvp that already makes this game a classic in the world of MMO

After that brief essay...Kudos! Kestrel
Oct 10, 2004 Celkan link
Hint: If you're in good standing with either Itani or Serco, you can do a Border Patrol mission in Deneb E-7. For every 3 Serco or Itani players/bots you kill you get 300xp in Combat, Light and Heavy categories. Plus 3000 credits. For this mission, go to Eo or Deneb for the Itani side, or Betheshee or Geira Rutilus for the Serco side.
Oct 10, 2004 Yokom link
Well out of the 8 people from the old SolNavy squad that have gotten into the beta 5 have said screw it. Myself and two other still play a little but intrest is wearing quick and that is just since the mass email. Doesnt sound good for the home team on players staying in the game after the first week of play.
Oct 10, 2004 sarahanne link
What do you need to keep your interest Yokom?
Oct 10, 2004 Forum Moderator link
I think it depends on what people come looking for. If one is interested in playing a completed game for free, they're going to be disappointed. If one comes wanting to beta-test something potentially cool and to make it even cooler with their bug-reports and suggestions (and to have a little fun the in process), then Vendetta is an amazing opportunity to do that.

Oct 10, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
Actually, was making a lot of money doing "high-risk" money runs against DenTek Assaults, TyCorp Assaults, and the occasional Aerna Transport (generally you get Premium VanAzek Ore or higher, which sells for above 3000 credits apiece), but I got killed, oh, 7 or 8 times, which reduced my 100k credits to 7k. Either I'd be on my way out and get ganged, or I'd be trying to pick up cargo and get ganged, or something. Basically, I was playing careless and got whacked for it. And then I started playing even more careless and got whacked again. Now I'm really paying for my mistakes, and it's frustrating. It's not a problem with the game. I'm just stupid. And lazy. And stupid. Kinda. I'm going to give myself a day or two to cool off, deal with Real Life (tm) and get back to Vendetta this week.
Oct 10, 2004 Hanshlomo link
I like the beta, but I really hope there is more ship customization than there is. Id like to see the following things customizable...
Turbo Speed
And say have a mass limit on all ships(different for each one) so you can exceed it, not allowing people to have the biggest and best of all things. Plus maybe the ability to choose the colours of the entire ship instead of just a stripe?
Oct 11, 2004 boredoffmyass link
If your short on money why dont you do some trade runs? I don't mean trade missions, but trade items from one station to another. In an hour you can make about 600k. Plasma cores/arrays work pretty good... buy 16 of them using a centaur ship for 1400 each and sell them for 6400 each at a station that doesnt have them. 16x5000=80k per run. I spent about a total of 2 hours doing trade runs since beta started, im 4/6/5/5 and i have 101 deaths so far and have yet to run out of cash :)