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Buy retail?

Oct 12, 2004 Merlark link
Well its been a little while and i think i am geting a genral feel for the game. I was curious to know if the new beta players have decided this is a good game to stick to and enjoyable enough to support during retail?

I myself, wont be buying retail. while i enjoy the premise of the game, i feel this has been done before and it offers less then whats currently out there as far as both gameplay and innovation. the content is not retail worthy and its online exspience isnt much different then a lan game, with little to no relivence to faction standings. your faction doesnt seem to be working towards any goals, space isnt growing or really thriving in a persitant world setting. its stagnent.

cargo i move from one station to anouther seems to dissapear as if i never brought it. player interaction seems pretty unevolved in into simple skirmish fights.

i know its beta but as much as i like the dev community here, i think they have been a great bunch of guys hosting they way they have. I just cant buy online games anymore with the premise that good stuff will come in the future, i need to see it out of the box. retail doesnt seem to be promising much more then this. which no offence, this is good, its just not better then what is currently out there with eve, jumpgate, and even freelancer which isnt even a MMPOG but allows player owned servers to be set up to build your own envoirment with your friends and others online.

any other thoughts?
Oct 12, 2004 Starfisher link
Have you read the "In progress" link with regards to what is coming this friday?

I'll be pre-ordering. No other game has done what this one does currently (except Jumpgate, I suppose), and it's still little more than a framework on which more game can be built. I have to see where it goes.
Oct 12, 2004 Merlark link
Oct 12, 2004 Forum Moderator link
I can't imagine your purpose in posting this, particularly after stating that you like the dev community here and appreciate the way they have hosted, etc.. I'm sure it wasn't your intent to damage their pre-sales, but you certainly aren't doing them any favors here.

For those who have not yet made up their mind, please see:

and be sure to check out the In Progress section, which addresses much of the criticism above.

*I* will be pre-ordering tonight. Not because I think the game is perfect yet, but because I want to support guild in their commitment to do things the Right Way, and because I KNOW what they can do with more resources.
Oct 12, 2004 Merlark link
well being as it is a massivly online player game, the people who PTP make up the game and the heart and soul for it. i dont think asking people their takes as gamers on a product to gather different views and aspects about them is an unfair, nor slanderous question that will hurt sales.

If you are the type that agrees that the game has the basis to go places at a further date, i agree with you, i dont agree with the method of fund raising untill that comes about, i'm not going to tell people how to spend their money. supporting the game industry is important.

but we are gamers, not busniess men. from a busniess point of view, it may not be a helpful question. to a 14 year old or older it might be importing to guage the investment they are placing in, honost positive, negitive or hype style views are all important.

anyways, sorry.
Oct 12, 2004 MonkRX link
30 bucks?!

I'll be pre-ordering it.. Maybe in a couple days.... and if not I will definatly buying it when its released.
Oct 12, 2004 Spellcast link
I plan to preorder, uhh probably here in a few minutes.

In response to your comments about the cargo not seeming to do anything and the faction standing being relatively unimportant, you are correct as it stands now. However these are merely a framework for things to come. there is a whole mission system yet to be released which (i'm guessing) will draw heavily on the faction standings. The whole cargo thing needs a rework, but once again i'm betting that its coming with the new missions. At times past the devs have mentioned that there will be a more complex trade system in the future, and once again, i'm guessing its tied in with the mission system.

As a player who has been with guild for 2 years (maybe more by now i kinda lost track of time) The progress i have seen is enough for me to expect great things out of the game and the company in the future.

I advise you to hold off on your final decision for at least another week however, See what the friday update contains. This is still a beta and not all content is in it yet. Guild has been very very good about making sure that they dont promise things that they cant deliver on in the past, so i dont see why they would start now. based on the interviews i would guess that there is much more content coming in the next several weeks before release.
Oct 12, 2004 incarnate link
We do have a couple of major content drops due to occur before release. I don't know if these will be enough to change anyone's mind, but they aren't insignificant.

I can understand where Merlark is coming from. As I've posted to a couple of forums.. the best we can really do, as a company, is try and make the game as cool as possible in the time that we have, and hope that there are enough people who will believe in the progress of our game and our desire to make it great. This is.. not the norm for releasing a game, and not what we would choose to do. We're forced to do this by circumstance. I would love to be like World of Warcraft and have a long and fruitful beta, with every desired feature polished and perfect long before gold master. I would love to even have had the time and people to implement half of the gameplay written in our design document. We just don't have the option, at all. This isn't how it was supposed to be, but after exhausting our options for outside backing and support, we decided to try it on our own. This is what it is, and it's the best we can do, and we want the chance to make it what we know it's Meant to be. This game is our dream, and it's not one we will easily give up on, as evidenced by our unwillingness to fold during the drama early this year. We'll try anything we can to bring it to fruition, and releasing it like this is our last option.

Alternately, you can look at it that we're offering the chance to participate in the evolution of a game. Given the amount of user input we actually integrate into the game, you could say that you're paying for the chance to put forth your ideas and have them integrated into an MMO. To potentially have some part of your ideal game actually take shape. This has been a really fun part of our community and development in the past. People started looking for uncharted sectors, so we added uncharted sectors for them to find.. they started holding races, so we added racetracks, so on and so forth. Perhaps this isn't generally an idea with wide enough appeal, I don't know.. but we've always found it really cool, and I intend to eventually restructure our Suggestions forum and other parts of gameplay along those lines.

Anyway, it's these sorts of loopy ideas that you aren't likely to see on a game being developed by a major corporation.. so I still hold out some hope that we have a place in the market, and that there are people out there who believe in this sort of project.

Regardless, we have done and will continue to do the best we can. We're very proud of what we've accomplished: four guys in a small room in Milwaukee, on an utter shoestring budget, managing to build an entire MMO engine and game from scratch and ship it to retail. I'm not looking for anyone's pity, but I am looking for those who have as high of hopes for our game as I do. Hopefully they're out there (and on here).

Thanks for giving the game a try, however you feel about it.
Oct 13, 2004 ratonu link
I've been following the game development almost since it started becoming a little popular.

I arrived here by mistake (looking for games that support multiple monitors - kudos!) and i stayed by choice.

I chose this game (and i am curently not playing anything else) for all the reasons listed by incarnate and for other reasons as well.

I've put in my best effort to help the development and evolution of this game, and since i am not a really experienced tester i helped in all the ways i could by promoting it and i will continue to do so.

My message is not just a support declaration but also a call for action. To quote a famous sentence: "don't just ask what Vendetta can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for Vendetta".

With the forum not being public, the audience of these discussions is this community only, so my message goes directly to you, players of Vendetta, supposed fans of Vendetta, and hopefully, the first buyers of Vendetta!
I never payed for a game in my life. I risk saying it. In my country, games just started to be available just recently in their official boxes, and my gaming times were supposed to be over.
But this game i will buy! Because, as incarnate says, it's a game i feel it is mine too.
In the past year (or more), i've helped Vendetta in every way i could. I am producing an IT television show. Vendetta was present at least three times. On the tv show website there is a permament link to Vendetta tester signup form. Once the retail is out, that will be replaced by a "Play Vendetta" banner, and so on...

And if you like the game or you just like the ideea of playing a game developed independently in respect to your desires, think of all the small things you could do to help Vendetta become a better game:
- you have a website ? post a link !
- you work with the media ? mention Vendetta !
- you have friends ? tell them everything !
- you have skills ? offer your help !

Other gamers said it before but i say it again: this Vendetta today is what four developers created out of passion. With the hope that their passion will remain the same, let's help them build and further develop a game that is already impressive but more importantly a game that has HUGE potential.

If nothing else the least you can do is criticise. Criticism equals feedback and at this time the developers need feedback. Don't just say "i am preordering know" if you are not going to do it. Think of something else, no matter how small, that could really help Vendetta and do it now!

Oh, and it case it is not obvious by know: I love this game!
Call me a dreamer but at mid-2005 i want to acces the Romanian dedicated server of Vendetta and get the message

"Sorry, server is full. Generating new system/sector patterns! Please standby!"
Oct 13, 2004 starfox link
Well, Im taking the leap of faith here too. I pre-ordered yesterday. The two things that intrige me more than anything else, is the potential this game has to offer over time, and the chance to be part of it. I'll be honest, my first few hours in game where to say the least, dissapointing, BUT, the more i played it, the more i saw coming out of it. I have been promoting this to my guild as well, that this is our chance to participate in something that is evolving. Coming from E&B, we saw what a game can become after the fact, being here in VO, we can see what the game WILL become b4 the fact.
So this furball takes the leap of faith, and Devs, for what its worth, great job so far, cant wait to see where this will all go.
The Starfox