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Vendetta commands

Nov 06, 2004 Spellcast link
Edited 11-7-2004 7(ish) CST

I want to create a quick and dirty commands list for the new players. I'll start this one out and try to keep the first post updated with all of them. just the command syntax and what it does so that there is a list of /commands availible for quick reference.
Any command that i have placed a ** beside i feel is a more advanced command and might not be something that a new player needs to use. Getting some help on using it from a more experienced player would probably be a good idea, and might save a lot of frustration.

Starting with the most commonly used ones, these ones all have in-game help that you can get just by typing the base command.


/guild - manage guild affiliation
/group - controls for short term groups
/buddy - buddy list controls
/duel - controls for no reputation penalty practice dueling
/mentor : Used for getting help. Type /mentor in the console for more info.


The three major scripting commands
** /alias "aliasname" "commands" - Allows you to string together a list of commands to create a more complicated action. String together various commands by seperating them with a ;
** /bind "key" "command" - Allows you to bind a command or alias to a single keystroke.
** /wait # "command" - waits for # seconds before executing the specified command or alias.

The rest of these commands may be used individually or in an alias.


Chat commands

/msg "name" <text> - sends a private message to "name" if "name is 2 words, enclose it in the " marks.
/say <text> - sends text to the sector chat
/say_channel <text> - sends text to the active channel
/say_group <text> - sends text to your group
/say_guild <text> - sends text to your guild
/echo <text> - echos text on your local client without sending it to the server

/join ### - Join channel ###
/leave ### - leaves channel ###

/ignore "name" - puts "name" on your ignore list. You dont have to listen to him/her anymore.
/unignore "name" - removes "name" from your ignore list, you get to hear him/her talk again.
/ignoretarget : Ignores your target.
/unignoretarget : Un-igores your target.
/unignoreall : Un-ignores everyone you ignored.

/vote mute "name" - casts your vote for muting "name" once enough votes are recieved "name" is unable to chat for a set period of time.

** /prompt "command" - opens an input line in the hud for "command", for instance by creating an alias to /prompt "givemoney", when you activate that alias a window will appear in your hud that you can enter a name and an amount into.

/hidelog -hides the chat console on the hud
/activatechattab # : Changes what log to show at the top left. 0 for General and 1 for Mission.


Ship control commands. These commands cause an action to occur while your ship is in space.

/activate - Causes your ship to enter a wormhole, station, or in-system jump.
/jettison - jetttisons all of your cargo into space
/explode - your ship blows up. (duh)
/roll - your ship starts to roll, add an argument of 0 (/roll 0) to stop.
** /+turbo - your turbo will 'lock' and run until you are out of juice or it recieves a /+turbo 0 command.


** Return Variables; these return a value to your script.

** %Sector% - returns the sector you are in
** %target% - returns the name of whatever you have targeted


** Variable commands. These are commands that take an argument after them and can only be changed using the /set function.

** /set "variable" "value" - Allows you to set various game variables (client side). Can be used to change the following variables, values are in whole numbers unless otherwise specified;

autoaim - Boolean value, 1 is on, 0 is off. toggles the computer assist aiming on your weapons.
fov - changes the arc of sky your ships camera views. 70 is default(i think)
flymodeflag : Boolean value. 1 is on, and 0 is off. Toggles Flight-Assist mode

** xHUDscale - Width of your hud
** yHUDscale - height of your hud (do i have these backwards?)
rHUDfadeout - length of time the chat/messages from the non-selected tab appear in the hud.


Misc commands; stuff i'm not sure what else to do with, probably most of these will end up in other categories as i figure out where to sort them to.

/dump - takes a screencapture. Screencaptures are saved in the directory/folder where you installed vendetta in a .TGA format.
/charinfo - Opens the character information screen of your target, (or yourself if you have nothing targeted)
/nav - Opens the navmap
/showall - Turns on all objects in your radar.
/logoff - exits vendetta, if you are in space, it will countdown for 10 seconds, then log you off. in a station, logoff is instant.
/ping - pings the vendetta server and returns latency information
/hudmode - toggles between group and individual displays on your HUD when grouped.
/toggleframerate : Displays an FPS counter.
/fps : The same FPS counter.
/toggleframerategraph : Displays an FPS graph.

/scrollback: Scrolls the log at the top left back by one line.
/scrollforward: Scrolls the log at the top left forward by one line.
** /verbose [0-6]: debug information, with varying levels. higher numbers echo more data to the chat console and as such the errors.log file

** /print [0-3]: displays all variables, aliases and commands. Accepts an integer arguments between 0 and 3, to control what is printing

** /query video linemode : turns on wireframe mode
Vets, do me a favor and toss the commands i'm missing at me. I know theres lots and lots but i'm drawing a blank right at the moment.
Nov 06, 2004 roguelazer link
Don't forget that /dump accepts arguments...

Others I'd add are:

/join : manages active channels
** /print [0-3]: displays all variables, aliases and commands. Accepts an integer arguments between 0 and 3, to control what is printing
** /verbose [0-6]: debug information, with varying levels.
/CharInfo : displays the character info window (key k)
/+TopList : displays the "players in sector" list (key u)
/nav : Displays the navigation screen (key n)
/hudmode : toggles between group and solo HUD modes, when in a group
/hidelog : toggles the chat display on and off
** /query video linemode : turns on wireframe mode
** /query video polygonmode : turns off wireframe mode
Nov 07, 2004 FiReMaGe link
FYI, return variables are actually called macros.

/mentor : Used for getting help. Type /mentor in the console for more info.

/ignoretarget : Ignores your target.
/unignoretarget : Un-igores your target.
/unignoreall : Un-ignores everyone you ignored.

/toggleframerate : Displays an FPS counter.
/fps : The same FPS counter.
/toggleframerategraph : Displays an FPS graph.

/scrollback: Scrolls the log at the top left back by one line.
/scrollforward: Scrolls the log at the top left forward by one line.

/hudtoggle : Toggles the entire heads up display, minus the log at the top left.
/FlyModeToggle : Toggles Flight-Assist mode.
/MLookToggle : Toggles MouseLook.

Another variable.

flymodeflag : Boolean value. 1 is on, and 0 is off. Toggles Flight-Assist mode.

Many of these commands are bindable. When you bind a command to a key with the bind command, make sure you disclude the forward slash. The slash is only for the console to know you're issueing a command and not trying to talk. The unbindable commands need to be aliased before being bound. Unbindable commands are commands that function only when given an arguement.
/alias tab1 "activatechattab 0"
/bind "!" tab1

This binds the Mission tab to the ! key. This is default, so you don't need to do this.

And a command that already is bindable.
/bind "l" hidelog

This binds hidelog to l, allowing you to toggle the log at the top left by pressing l.

You can unbind commands as well.
/bind "j" ""

This removes the jettison command from j.

There are also simple uses of the echo command, and you can fit more than one command in an alias.
/alias dropcargo "jettison; echo 'Cargo jettisoned.'"

When you type /dropcargo in the console, it'll now tell you that you jettisoned... which isn't that useful until you bind it.

You can bind it to a capital letter.
/bind "J" dropcargo

Now, you press shift + j to drop cargo. And it'll tell you that you jettisoned, just incase you press it by accident.
Nov 07, 2004 Tyrdium link
Wait, wasn't wireframe mode supposed to have been taken out?
Nov 07, 2004 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
If you get stuck in wireframe mode, use /query video polygonmode to return to normal
Nov 09, 2004 Eldrad link
Thread unstuck now that it's in the manual.
Nov 09, 2004 Wubby link
How do you use %sector%?

I can't figure out anyway for it to do anything. I'm looking for a way to return the sector and put it into a chat.

Any help would be great.

Edit - how about setting our own variables?
Nov 09, 2004 FiReMaGe link
Macros only replace themselves when put in place of username input. This means messages containing %target% and %sector% won't have those macros replaced. This also means the %sector% macro is useless.

You can't set your own variables, but you can set a series of aliases... check the custom binds thread for examples. Variable zoom is a good example.
Nov 09, 2004 Wubby link
Yeah, I was afraid of that. Even so, sector only holds the numeric value of the sector, not the actual name. Kinda useless for users.

I was looking for a way to send it to other players. If it was possible, I suppose someone would have done it be now.

Thanks anyway!
Nov 10, 2004 RelayeR link
You'll have to edit out what is not needed and supply the variables and discriptions, Spellcast but, here's what I have:

/print <category>
/bind <key> [command]
/alias <variable (command)>
/time (shows GMT & Date)