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What does TPG stand for?

Jan 21, 2005 Beolach link
Wild guess: Trader/Pirate Guild?
Jan 21, 2005 Black Omega link
Read the back story for the history of The Propellor Group
Jan 21, 2005 Shapenaji link
The Propeller group, twas in the backstory.
Jan 21, 2005 Beolach link
Ah... you two have better memory than I.
Jan 21, 2005 KixKizzle link
I love that backstory! I've read it 2 1/2 times now :)
Jan 21, 2005 Borb II link
Me too. It's a nice read, I like to see how things change as the times change.
Jan 21, 2005 macguy link
Yes, the back story is nice. The propeller group like me! :) mmm maud But ya, the backstory kicks major butt.
Jan 21, 2005 red cactus link
Meh. Too long.
Jan 21, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
I've read parts 1-4 about 6 times each. The whole backstory twice. I guess I'd better get back to work on a Serco history. The trouble is trying to divide time between it and actually playing...
Jan 21, 2005 ctishman link
The Backstory - Condensed

Earth, 2140-2238
Humans: We made people with computers for brains! W00! We'll call them guises!
Guises: Raauugghh!
Humans: Let's kill each other!
Other Humans: Okay!
Guises: Rauugghh!

Earth, 2239-2260
Humans: Hey look! A wormhole to somewhere! Let's go and kill each other there!
Other Humans: Okay!
Guises: <nothing. They're banned>
Wormhole Consortium: Okay, it's working! Hey look! A planet!
Colonials: Let's call it Terra II!

Terra II, 2261-2310
Colonials: Hi Ho, Hi Ho!
Killjoy Scientist: Wormhole's gonna go boom!
Other Scientists: You Lie!
Wormhole: Goodbye! <SFX - door slamming>

Terra II 2330-2568
Colonists #1: Oh Noes! What will we do? Let's bring back the guises!
Colonists #2: Oh Noes! What will we do? Let's try cybernetics!
Colonists #1: Cybernetics sucks, Itani!
Colonists #2: Guises suck, Serco!

Terra II 2568-2670
Akan: I'm an Itani! I hate all the Serco!
Serco & Itani Senate: What-Ever...
Akan: Aaaauugh! I'm being attacked! It must be the Serco! It can't possibly be a cynical excuse to grab for power!
Itani Senate: Whoa, Evil Serco! Kill!
Serco: Uh Oh! Better get our army working! Kill The Itani!
Guises: Raauugghh!
Itani: What did we get ourselves into? Aieee!
Armand, an Itani captain: Build a giant spaceship! Fly Away!

Space, 2675
Itani #1: See anything?
Itani #2: Nope.

Space, 2676
Itani #1: See anything?
Itani #2: Nope.
Eo, an Itani child: "Eo"

Space, 2677-2690
Itani #1: See anything?
Itani #2: Nope.
Eo: "Eo"

Space, 2701
Itani #1: See anything?
Itani #2: Yep.
Armand: Hurrrrrrk-bleh. <dies>
Eo (now 12 years old): "Did you ever consider the nature of psychoanalytical theory? I have postulated that the entirety of the extant body of work is wholly without merit. Oh yeah, and peace is good, war is bad."

Itan, 2702-2793
Itani: Check it! Our world is fly!
Eo: We suck for what we did to the Serco. Let's be monks!
Itani: Okay!
Eo: Hurrrrrrk-bleh. <dies>

Itan, 2794-3172
<The Itani Flourish>

Itan, 3173-3624
Itani: Check it! Our society is fly!
Erum the Blind: I have visions! There's still some evil in our society! Hurrrrrrk-bleh. <dies>
Itani: WTF?
Order of Akan: STFU!
Itani: We can fly ships with our minds! Let's have an airshow!

Itan, 3624-3827
Itani: Let's check in on the Serco, see what they've been up to!
Other Itani: Okay, but be quiet about it, I'm trying to meditate here!

Terra II, 2661-3827
<the entirety of Serco society writhes about in the mud for about 1800 years, under a variety of dictators. Those colonies that did not align themselves with the Serco or the Itani get pushed around, beaten up, pack up and leave.>
Serco: Well, they're gone. Let's call it Serco Prime.
Other Serco: Okay, cool.

Serco Prime, 3827
Itani Scoutships: Hi! We're Itani!
Serco: OMG!
<Serco lock Itani up, then set them free and follow them home>
Serco: Kill the Itani!
Itani Abbot: Stop killin' my peepz!
Serco: Make us!
<Itani bring out a huge fleet>
Serco: Okay, fine. We were just going.
Itani: Let's kill all the Serco!
Itani Abbot: No! Remember Eo's teachings!
Order of Akan: No! Screw Eo!
<The Order of Akan leaves Itan, heads to Serco space, destroys the Serco fleet, breaks their three pilots out and kills over 10,000 Serco>

Serco Prime, 3830-3911
Serco: Okay. That's it. We're gonna kick some ass now.
<Serco build 44 warships, head to Itani space, bomb Eo>
Order of Akan: Ooohhh no you don't!
<Order of Akan destroys Serco fleet>
Order of Akan: See that, pacifist Itani fools! We kicked their ASS! Come with us!
Some of the Itani: Okay!

Space, 3912-4264:
<More war. The Itani build big guns on the border, the Serco a huge fleet of warships. People die, but nothing major changes.>

Space, 4265
Serco Pilots: Itani pilots, you suck!
Itani Pilots: No, Serco pilots! You Suck!
<hearty laughter from both sides of the comm>
Oernan, an Itani monk: Okay, if a fight will bring peace you've got it!
Karun, a Serco warrior: Bring it on! I'll kick your ass!
<Oernan kicks Karun's ass>
<Karun dies>
<Someone shoots Oernan>
Serco: You Cheated!
Itani: You Cheated!

Space, 4432
<war rages>
Jan 21, 2005 roguelazer link
That's pretty good ctishman. Pretty damn good! But the UIT is only tangently mentioned...
Jan 21, 2005 ctishman link
Space, 2675-4332

UIT sets up, thrives, makes hella cash.
Jan 21, 2005 incarnate link
Hahah, that made me laugh out loud. Very cool.
Jan 21, 2005 Tyrdium link
ctishman FTW!
Jan 22, 2005 mgl_mouser link
Most excellent.

Someone make that sticky for the noobs.
Jan 22, 2005 ctishman link
Thanks! :)
Jan 22, 2005 Tyrdium link
Oh, you should probably mention that Oernan was a really old d00d. :P
Jan 22, 2005 macguy link
I decree that that be put somewhere offical on the site, just for that fact that is it quite possibly the FUNNIEST vendetta thing i've ever seen. wow, ctishman, that rocked!
Jan 22, 2005 Borb II link
That was the best thing ever. (well ok no it was'nt, but it was close)
Jan 18, 2006 UncleDave link
This needs one hell of a bump.