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Dec 11, 2005 thergvk link
why are they not called utanapishtim?
Dec 13, 2005 LaMas link
assuming that i am number 9 (ml estimation tells that i am probably right):
(i) the fall of the mighty has been inversely proportional to the rise of his ping times. Enuff said about VO being playable over modem...

(ii) the mighty was not at all caught while running but cheaply backshot while warping into sedina b8, that is, while being totally defenseless.


P.S.: The mighty will mostly abstain from playing until his conn gets significantly better (and less expensive; I paid more than 80 $ dialup fees last month).
Dec 13, 2005 Shapenaji link
Dec 13, 2005 jexkerome link
Could be Maso's 56k ISP is more terrible than teh Wrath of the Wailing Widow!

Or could this be her REAL revenge?!
Dec 13, 2005 LaMas link
who knows, jex..... ;)

Dec 13, 2005 LeberMac link
Wait.. Borb has really BAD dialup as well now.....
OMG!!! Borb == Maso!!!
Dec 13, 2005 LaMas link


Dec 13, 2005 Borb II link
OH NO! my secret is out!

Dec 13, 2005 LaMas link
hehe, there is only one borbinator, and that's not me...

Dec 13, 2005 Borb II link
hehe, and there is only one um masoinator, and that's not me...

Dec 13, 2005 leapfrog link
...and I just spewed all over my comp... thanks guys.. :)
Dec 13, 2005 Utnapishtim link
Part II

Ah! I see you have returned! I gather your interest in this woman is not simply a flash in the pan, as they say in Old Earth. I tell you what, I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

I know her name.

Looking surprise, eh? Perhaps not! Don't be, cause I've spoken to her the other day. She came in to the Makchuga, 0430hours or thereabouts, and who else did she find sitting on her favourite table but yours truly. All planned of course! I've almost given up, but fortune, as they say, always smile on the patient!

I met her eys as she came over, and I didn't let go. She walked towards me, without breaking a stride, and in no uncertain terms, told me that I was sitting on her table, reserved. I laughed at her.

Okay, okay. You looked impatient. Looks like I'll play fortune today then. Let's cut to the chase.

She knew now I knew of her vendetta, didn't bat an eye, that lady. Just shrugged and told me she didn't care, as long as they are dead. Besides, she said, she got that "Runner Boy".

I could see her satisfaction as she told me how she finally caught up with that Runner Boy. I was a bit confused about who this poor fellow could be for a moment, until she told me that Runner Boy was just her husband's private nickname for that guy who always bring his spaceships in for repair because he kept complaining that the ships were, without fail, too slow in responding. I swear I never laughed so hard in my life. I remembered making off with a cool 50000creds "fixing" his ship.

I knew that guy is dead : there was a witness, a "G 0 D" dude who saw a damaged IBG destroyed Runner Boy as he thrashed helplessly firing flares that would not explode too close to himself. But I guess I should have known it was she who got him.

Anyway, she was rather pleased with finally being able to hunt Mr Complain down. I told her that she just made a few ship mechanics poorer by killing their favourite customer. That made her laugh, and strangely I felt glad to make this mysterious woman happy for a change.

Finally, she told me she got to go, but that she was rather glad to see me, and proceeded to transfer 500000 creds to my account. I was going "what?" only for her to flashed me a wink with that saggy eye of her.

"He told me to pay off his debts," she said.

"Do I know him?"


"What's your name, Ma'am?"

She paused, smiled and left.

The money was transfered to me by a person named "Ishtar".

Then I realized who she is.
Dec 14, 2005 LaMas link
There should be an "" entry for the borbinator...;) Like the one for yoda (check out

Dec 14, 2005 Dark Knight link

/me pulls out an EMP and fries Lecter's brain, THEN shoves him over the edge.
Dec 16, 2005 softy2 link
Well then, one month's up and this story has to end! Some of the VPRs are just not on often enough and I am getting bored with the game again. Besides, capping them all with Maso just makes it rather apt!

As most of you know by now, I play Widow. It's a little experiment in RP, namely, Widow is always "in-character" in game. It's a bit like my old Raven char, but here even more so since I think went out of character at most twice just to say hi to some old friends,

Widow is meant to be a creepy character (Miharu might have some of the chat logs from Odia M-14, where Widow will go talk to her dead husband), and happily some people actually think she is creepy.

I set myself some rules to start with. One is that I will not engage unless engaged (except when hunting VPRs). However, once I am attacked once, I will not hesitate to attack without provocation. The other rule is that, as long as the game allows it, anything goes. So if people run, station camp, gank me's all fair game and I am perfectly fine with it. The fact that I am "in-char" all the time (and have channel 100 shut off) makes it plenty easy to detach any ego from the game. Also, once I have completed a "hunt", I do not usually actively hunt that particular character anymore. (One advice : don't bring your "real life" into the game, it's more fun this way).

Anyway, it's been fun to come back for a bit to play this little story. Just a little epilogue to Holden Caulfield's demise. So yes, Holden's dead and won't be coming back. Clarissa aka The Wailing Widow has exacted her vengeance, and is going to be retired in a few days time as my sub runs out.

And yeah, Fugue got most of the clues right (kudos!). The clue "He wore Green when he laughed, he wore Blue when he hid" is slightly misinterpreted though. Holden Caulfield always fly a green ship, while The Raven his alter-ego always fly a blue IBG. Yes, his best mate is Henry Jekyll was a serco who always fly a red SVG. Utnapishtim is the "Noah" character from the Epic of Gilgamesh (The Raven was sent out by Utnapishtim and never came back), while "Ishtar" is the Wailing Widow from the same Epic.

As for the Thirteen, unfortunately I have to cut it down to the Nine since the other 4 VPRs on WIdow's hit list are not on often enough. Some of them you have figured out already, so here is the answer.

First : Seta Ralel
Second : Nerde Verde
Third : M. Duncan
Fourth : Hawkeye
Fifth : Hoax
Sixth : ArAsh Wu
Seventh : Millennium Blackhawk
Eighth : lenzenm
Ninth : Maso

The others on the list are Epideme (He is a plague, I was the cure), Phaserlight (He once saw light, but now only darkness engulf him), Eaon Ralel (His brother is gone, and now so is he) and igrok (A name of stone, but only shards remain). In the hunt, I died a total of 5 times while "hunting".

Well, there you go. The story of the Wailing Widow is over. Thanks for playing! Hope you enjoy meeting her as much as I do playing her!
Dec 16, 2005 leapfrog link

I was first? Too cool!

VERY nice RP, bud... thanks...
Dec 16, 2005 jexkerome link
Very well played. Joyce was really intrigued by the Widow and actually admitted to getting creeped out whenever she saw her.

Interestingly enough, Epideme's been ingame this past week...
Dec 16, 2005 Gavan link

Dec 16, 2005 Borb II link
Nicely done, though it's gonna be sad to see you go again.
Dec 16, 2005 icbm1987 link
My one encounter with her was thoroughly odd and yes... you did a great job with the RP.

I wish you could stay though... :P