Forums » Role Playing

multiple hails

May 12, 2006 Breazle link
alias togglehostiles "radartoggle 5"
alias togglefriendlies "radartoggle 4 12"
alias toggleobjects "radartoggle 9"
alias togglestations "radartoggle 11"
alias togglecargo "radartoggle 10"
alias togglemissiles "radartoggle 6 7"
alias showall "radarshow 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12"
alias say_help "activatechattab 0; join 1; say_channel"
alias tab1 "activatechattab 0"
alias tab2 "activatechattab 1"
alias mission1 "mission 1"
alias mission2 "mission 2"
alias mission3 "mission 3"
alias mission4 "mission 4"
alias mission5 "mission 5"
alias mission6 "mission 6"
alias mission7 "mission 7"
alias mission8 "mission 8"
alias mission9 "mission 9"
alias hail "activatechattab 0; msg %target% %hailmsg%"
alias togglechattab "chattab1"
alias chattab1 "activatechattab 0; alias togglechattab chattab0"
alias chattab0 "activatechattab 1; alias togglechattab chattab1"
alias aim1 "set autoaim 0; alias toggleautoaim aim2; echo 'AutoAim Off'"
alias aim2 "set autoaim 1; alias toggleautoaim aim1; echo 'AutoAim On'"
alias toggleautoaim "aim1"
alias hudscale "hudscale1"
alias hudscale1 "set rHUDxscale 800; set rHUDyscale 600; alias hudscale hudscale2"
alias hudscale2 "set rHUDxscale 640; set rHUDyscale 480; alias hudscale hudscale1"
alias allhudtoggle "hudtoggle1"
alias hudtoggle1 "HudToggle; hidelog; alias allhudtoggle hudtoggle2"
alias hudtoggle2 "HudToggle; hidelog; alias allhudtoggle hudtoggle1"
alias missionchat "activatechattab 1; say"
alias missionhelp "mission h"
alias yar "/msg %target% surrender or suffer!"
bind "G" say_guild
bind ";" MLookToggle
bind F1 Help
bind "i" +zoom
bind PageUp scrollback
bind PageDown scrollforward
bind "}" LocalRadarNext
bind "{" LocalRadarPrev
bind Escape Quit
bind LeftArrow +StrafeLeft
bind RightArrow +StrafeRight
bind UpArrow +Accelerate
bind DownArrow +Decelerate
bind Space +Brakes
bind "2" Weapon2
bind "3" Missile1
bind "4" Missile2
bind "5" Missile3
bind "6" Mine1
bind "7" Mine2
bind "]" RadarNext
bind "[" RadarPrev
bind "d" RadarPrevFront
bind "z" RadarNextFrontEnemy
bind "x" RadarNextNearestEnemy
bind "y" RadarHitBy
bind "u" +TopList
bind "`" ConsoleToggle
bind F9 ViewToggle
bind F10 CameraToggle
bind F4 allhudtoggle
bind Enter Activate
bind "=" FlyModeToggle
bind "j" Jettison
bind "o" toggleinventory
bind "H" missionhelp
bind "m" missionchat
bind "t" say_channel
bind "g" say_group
bind "s" say_sector
bind "w" togglestations
bind "e" togglecargo
bind F12 dump
bind "!" tab1
bind "@" tab2
bind F2 togglechattab
bind "n" nav
bind "k" CharInfo
bind ":" toggleautoaim
bind F5 hudscale
bind "h" hail
bind "b" RadarNextFront
bind "." RadarNextFront
bind MOUSEX +LookX
bind MOUSEY +LookY
set update_k "-3.500000"
set snd_vel "3000.000000"
set fov "75.000000"
set rHiRezBK "5"
set rDoEffects "3"
set rDoSpaceJunk "3"
set rSceneLODBias "1.000000"
set rDistanceLODBias "2.210526"
set rRenderStationInMenu "1"
set rStationMenuAlpha "0.700000"
set doKeyRamp "1"
set flymodeflag "1"
set chat_filter "0"
set snd_mixahead "0.200000"
set snd_volume "0.500000"
set snd_musicvolume "0.000000"
set autoaim "1"
set rHUDfadeout "4.000000"
set filterprivatemsgs "1"
set filtersectormsgs "1"
set filterhelpmsgs "1"
set filtergroupmsgs "1"
set filterguildmsgs "1"
set filterlongrangemsgs "0"
set filterchannelmsgs "1"
set rHUDxscale "640.000000"
set rHUDyscale "480.000000"
set rTargetBoxMode "0"
set hailmsg "blah"
set rglow "0"
set controlresponse "1.000000"

anyone help on this problem i have with binds etc wanting to set up multiple hails and alt hails!
May 12, 2006 ghostieboy link
isn't hail just mesaging your target?
May 12, 2006 MSKanaka link
Where the text <Insert message here> is found, put in a hail message of your choice. Hit 0 (zero) to toggle between characters. Where "<CharA>" and "<CharB>" are, put in the names of the characters that will be associated with the A and B hail sets.

Hails 1-6 are double-line hails.
Hails 7-9 are single-line hails.

If this doesn't work, let me know.
Put this in your wgaf.cfg, replacing what is there:

alias togglehostiles "radartoggle 5"
alias togglefriendlies "radartoggle 4 12"
alias toggleobjects "radartoggle 9"
alias togglestations "radartoggle 11"
alias togglecargo "radartoggle 10"
alias togglemissiles "radartoggle 6 7"
alias showall "radarshow 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12"
alias say_help "activatechattab 0; join 1; say_channel"
alias tab1 "activatechattab 0"
alias tab2 "activatechattab 1"
alias mission1 "mission 1"
alias mission2 "mission 2"
alias mission3 "mission 3"
alias mission4 "mission 4"
alias mission5 "mission 5"
alias mission6 "mission 6"
alias mission7 "mission 7"
alias mission8 "mission 8"
alias mission9 "mission 9"
alias hail "activatechattab 0; msg %target% %hailmsg%"
alias togglechattab "chattab1"
alias chattab1 "activatechattab 0; alias togglechattab chattab0"
alias chattab0 "activatechattab 1; alias togglechattab chattab1"
alias aim1 "set autoaim 0; alias toggleautoaim aim2; echo 'AutoAim Off'"
alias aim2 "set autoaim 1; alias toggleautoaim aim1; echo 'AutoAim On'"
alias toggleautoaim "aim1"
alias hudscale "hudscale1"
alias hudscale1 "set rHUDxscale 800; set rHUDyscale 600; alias hudscale hudscale2"
alias hudscale2 "set rHUDxscale 640; set rHUDyscale 480; alias hudscale hudscale1"
alias allhudtoggle "hudtoggle1"
alias hudtoggle1 "HudToggle; hidelog; alias allhudtoggle hudtoggle2"
alias hudtoggle2 "HudToggle; hidelog; alias allhudtoggle hudtoggle1"
alias missionchat "activatechattab 1; say"
alias missionhelp "mission h"
alias yar "/msg %target% surrender or suffer!"
alias hailtog "charHailA"
alias charHailA "bind 1 A_hail1; bind 2 A_hail2; bind 3 A_hail3; bind 4 A_hail4; bind 5 A_hail5; bind 6 A_hail6; bind 7 A_hail7; bind 8 A_hail8; bind 9 A_hail9; echo 'Hails for <CharA> activated.'; alias hailtog charHailB"
alias charHailB "bind 1 B_hail1; bind 2 B_hail2; bind 3 B_hail3; bind 4 B_hail4; bind 5 B_hail5; bind 6 B_hail6; bind 7 B_hail7; bind 8 B_hail8; bind 9 B_hail9; echo 'Hails for <CharB> activated.'; alias hailtog hailoff"
alias hailoff "bind 1 Weapon1; bind 2 Weapon2; bind 3 Missile1; bind 4 Missile2; bind 5 Missile3; bind 6 Mine2; bind 7 Mine2; alias hailtog charHailA"
alias hailstd "activatechattab 0; msg %target% %hailmsg%"
alias A_hail1 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias A_hail2 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias A_hail3 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias A_hail4 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias A_hail5 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias A_hail6 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias A_hail7 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias A_hail8 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias A_hail9 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias B_hail1 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias B_hail2 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias B_hail3 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias B_hail4 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias B_hail5 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias B_hail6 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias B_hail7 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias B_hail8 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <Insert message here>"
alias B_hail9 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <Insert message here>"
bind "G" say_guild
bind ";" MLookToggle
bind F1 Help
bind "i" +zoom
bind PageUp scrollback
bind PageDown scrollforward
bind "}" LocalRadarNext
bind "{" LocalRadarPrev
bind Escape Quit
bind LeftArrow +StrafeLeft
bind RightArrow +StrafeRight
bind UpArrow +Accelerate
bind DownArrow +Decelerate
bind Space +Brakes
bind "2" Weapon2
bind "3" Missile1
bind "4" Missile2
bind "5" Missile3
bind "6" Mine1
bind "7" Mine2
bind "0" hailtog
bind "]" RadarNext
bind "[" RadarPrev
bind "d" RadarPrevFront
bind "z" RadarNextFrontEnemy
bind "x" RadarNextNearestEnemy
bind "y" RadarHitBy
bind "u" +TopList
bind "`" ConsoleToggle
bind F9 ViewToggle
bind F10 CameraToggle
bind F4 allhudtoggle
bind Enter Activate
bind "=" FlyModeToggle
bind "j" Jettison
bind "o" toggleinventory
bind "H" missionhelp
bind "m" missionchat
bind "t" say_channel
bind "g" say_group
bind "s" say_sector
bind "w" togglestations
bind "e" togglecargo
bind F12 dump
bind "!" tab1
bind "@" tab2
bind F2 togglechattab
bind "n" nav
bind "k" CharInfo
bind ":" toggleautoaim
bind F5 hudscale
bind "h" hail
bind "b" RadarNextFront
bind "." RadarNextFront
bind MOUSEX +LookX
bind MOUSEY +LookY
set update_k "-3.500000"
set snd_vel "3000.000000"
set fov "75.000000"
set rHiRezBK "5"
set rDoEffects "3"
set rDoSpaceJunk "3"
set rSceneLODBias "1.000000"
set rDistanceLODBias "2.210526"
set rRenderStationInMenu "1"
set rStationMenuAlpha "0.700000"
set doKeyRamp "1"
set flymodeflag "1"
set chat_filter "0"
set snd_mixahead "0.200000"
set snd_volume "0.500000"
set snd_musicvolume "0.000000"
set autoaim "1"
set rHUDfadeout "4.000000"
set filterprivatemsgs "1"
set filtersectormsgs "1"
set filterhelpmsgs "1"
set filtergroupmsgs "1"
set filterguildmsgs "1"
set filterlongrangemsgs "0"
set filterchannelmsgs "1"
set rHUDxscale "640.000000"
set rHUDyscale "480.000000"
set rTargetBoxMode "0"
set hailmsg "blah"
set rglow "0"
set controlresponse "1.000000"
May 12, 2006 Breazle link
alias togglehostiles "radartoggle 5"
alias togglefriendlies "radartoggle 4 12"
alias toggleobjects "radartoggle 9"
alias togglestations "radartoggle 11"
alias togglecargo "radartoggle 10"
alias togglemissiles "radartoggle 6 7"
alias showall "radarshow 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12"
alias say_help "activatechattab 0; join 1; say_channel"
alias tab1 "activatechattab 0"
alias tab2 "activatechattab 1"
alias mission1 "mission 1"
alias mission2 "mission 2"
alias mission3 "mission 3"
alias mission4 "mission 4"
alias mission5 "mission 5"
alias mission6 "mission 6"
alias mission7 "mission 7"
alias mission8 "mission 8"
alias mission9 "mission 9"
alias hail "activatechattab 0; msg %target% %hailmsg%"
alias togglechattab "chattab1"
alias chattab1 "activatechattab 0; alias togglechattab chattab0"
alias chattab0 "activatechattab 1; alias togglechattab chattab1"
alias aim1 "set autoaim 0; alias toggleautoaim aim2; echo 'AutoAim Off'"
alias aim2 "set autoaim 1; alias toggleautoaim aim1; echo 'AutoAim On'"
alias toggleautoaim "aim1"
alias hudscale "hudscale1"
alias hudscale1 "set rHUDxscale 800; set rHUDyscale 600; alias hudscale hudscale2"
alias hudscale2 "set rHUDxscale 640; set rHUDyscale 480; alias hudscale hudscale1"
alias allhudtoggle "hudtoggle1"
alias hudtoggle1 "HudToggle; hidelog; alias allhudtoggle hudtoggle2"
alias hudtoggle2 "HudToggle; hidelog; alias allhudtoggle hudtoggle1"
alias missionchat "activatechattab 1; say"
alias missionhelp "mission h"
alias yar "/msg %target% surrender or suffer!"
alias hailtog "charHailA"
alias charHailA "bind 1 A_hail1; bind 2 A_hail2; bind 3 A_hail3; bind 4 A_hail4; bind 5 A_hail5; bind 6 A_hail6; bind 7 A_hail7; bind 8 A_hail8; bind 9 A_hail9; echo 'Hails for <Breazle> activated.'; alias hailtog charHailB"
alias charHailB "bind 1 B_hail1; bind 2 B_hail2; bind 3 B_hail3; bind 4 B_hail4; bind 5 B_hail5; bind 6 B_hail6; bind 7 B_hail7; bind 8 B_hail8; bind 9 B_hail9; echo 'Hails for <no name> activated.'; alias hailtog hailoff"
alias hailoff "bind 1 Weapon1; bind 2 Weapon2; bind 3 Missile1; bind 4 Missile2; bind 5 Missile3; bind 6 Mine2; bind 7 Mine2; alias hailtog charHailA"
alias hailstd "activatechattab 0; msg %target% %hailmsg%"
alias A_hail1 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <test 1>"
alias A_hail2 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <test 2>"
alias A_hail3 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <test 3>"
alias A_hail4 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <4>"
alias A_hail5 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <5>"
alias A_hail6 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <6>"
alias A_hail7 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <7>"
alias A_hail8 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <8>"
alias A_hail9 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <9>"
alias B_hail1 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <111>"
alias B_hail2 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <11>"
alias B_hail3 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <12"
alias B_hail4 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <13>"
alias B_hail5 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <14>"
alias B_hail6 "hailstd; wait 1 msg %target% <15>"
alias B_hail7 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <16>"
alias B_hail8 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <17>"
alias B_hail9 "activatechattab 0; msg %target% <18>"
bind "G" say_guild
bind ";" MLookToggle
bind F1 Help
bind "i" +zoom
bind PageUp scrollback
bind PageDown scrollforward
bind "}" LocalRadarNext
bind "{" LocalRadarPrev
bind Escape Quit
bind LeftArrow +StrafeLeft
bind RightArrow +StrafeRight
bind UpArrow +Accelerate
bind DownArrow +Decelerate
bind Space +Brakes
bind "2" Weapon2
bind "3" Missile1
bind "4" Missile2
bind "5" Missile3
bind "6" Mine1
bind "7" Mine2
bind "0" hailtog
bind "]" RadarNext
bind "[" RadarPrev
bind "d" RadarPrevFront
bind "z" RadarNextFrontEnemy
bind "x" RadarNextNearestEnemy
bind "y" RadarHitBy
bind "u" +TopList
bind "`" ConsoleToggle
bind F9 ViewToggle
bind F10 CameraToggle
bind F4 allhudtoggle
bind Enter Activate
bind "=" FlyModeToggle
bind "j" Jettison
bind "o" toggleinventory
bind "H" missionhelp
bind "m" missionchat
bind "t" say_channel
bind "g" say_group
bind "s" say_sector
bind "w" togglestations
bind "e" togglecargo
bind F12 dump
bind "!" tab1
bind "@" tab2
bind F2 togglechattab
bind "n" nav
bind "k" CharInfo
bind ":" toggleautoaim
bind F5 hudscale
bind "h" hail
bind "b" RadarNextFront
bind "." RadarNextFront
bind MOUSEX +LookX
bind MOUSEY +LookY
set update_k "-3.500000"
set snd_vel "3000.000000"
set fov "75.000000"
set rHiRezBK "5"
set rDoEffects "3"
set rDoSpaceJunk "3"
set rSceneLODBias "1.000000"
set rDistanceLODBias "2.210526"
set rRenderStationInMenu "1"
set rStationMenuAlpha "0.700000"
set doKeyRamp "1"
set flymodeflag "1"
set chat_filter "0"
set snd_mixahead "0.200000"
set snd_volume "0.500000"
set snd_musicvolume "0.000000"
set autoaim "1"
set rHUDfadeout "4.000000"
set filterprivatemsgs "1"
set filtersectormsgs "1"
set filterhelpmsgs "1"
set filtergroupmsgs "1"
set filterguildmsgs "1"
set filterlongrangemsgs "0"
set filterchannelmsgs "1"
set rHUDxscale "640.000000"
set rHUDyscale "480.000000"
set rTargetBoxMode "0"
set hailmsg "blah"
set rglow "0"
set controlresponse "1.000000"

thanks for the help, i have put this in i think it is correect to your instructions nothing happening though, also i have 5 alts :p
May 12, 2006 Will Roberts link
Breazle, what I do is to set up a custom binds file (.txt) for each char, then I just load the binds that i need at login.

I start each file with the following aliases:

echo "Custom binds file loaded: CharX"

alias CharA "Load CharA.txt"
alias CharB "Load CharB.txt"
alias CharC "Load CharC.txt"
alias Reset "Load Standard.txt"

alias blah "activatechattab 0; msg %target% 'Blah'"
bind blah Anykey

Then just type the command /CharA (or B, C or Reset).

Each file has only the aliases/binds for that specific to that char. I use the "Standard" file to clear out the unique binds & aliases and return everything back to something close to the plain-old "wgaf.cfg". I find it a lot easier than having to write massive aliases and wade through large alias files.

There are other suitable/similar suggestions in the Custom-Binds sticky.
May 12, 2006 Aleksey link
I actually have 2 questions:
1. Isn't there a topic (and wiki section) for Binds?
2. And why did you start it in RP section?

Or maybe you just wanted to a new flood thread for posting whole configs? Here you are :)

## Generated by LXj do not modify :)

## ******** Zoom
## TODO: try default zoom like 90 or more
alias zoom13 "set fov .3854; alias zoomOut zoom12; alias zoomIn zoom13"
alias zoom12 "set fov .5781; alias zoomOut zoom11; alias zoomIn zoom13"
alias zoom11 "set fov .8671; alias zoomOut zoom10; alias zoomIn zoom12"
alias zoom10 "set fov 1.3001; alias zoomOut zoom9; alias zoomIn zoom11"
alias zoom9 "set fov 1.9509; alias zoomOut zoom8; alias zoomIn zoom10"
alias zoom8 "set fov 2.9264; alias zoomOut zoom7; alias zoomIn zoom9"
alias zoom7 "set fov 4.3896; alias zoomOut zoom6; alias zoomIn zoom8"
alias zoom6 "set fov 6.5844; alias zoomOut zoom5; alias zoomIn zoom7"
alias zoom5 "set fov 9.8765; alias zoomOut zoom4; alias zoomIn zoom6"
alias zoom4 "set fov 14.8148; alias zoomOut zoom3; alias zoomIn zoom5"
alias zoom3 "set fov 22.2222; alias zoomOut zoom2; alias zoomIn zoom4"
alias zoom2 "set fov 33.3333; alias zoomOut zoom1; alias zoomIn zoom3"
alias zoom1 "set fov 50; alias zoomOut zoomMin; alias zoomIn zoom2"
alias zoomMin "set fov 75; alias zoomOut zoomMin; alias zoomIn zoom1"
alias zoomOut "zoomMin"
alias zoomIn "zoom1"
bind MWHEELUP zoomIn
bind MWHEELDOWN zoomOut

## ******** Scanner
alias scan2 "wait 2 'scan1'; RadarNextNearestEnemy"
alias scanoff "qscanoff; echo '******** Scanner *OFF*'"
alias qscanoff "alias scan1 ''; alias scan scanon"
alias scanon "alias scan1 'RadarNextNearestEnemy; scan2'; echo '******** Scanner *ON*'; scan1; alias scan scanoff"

alias scan scanon

bind / scan

## ******** Autoaim
alias aimoff "set autoaim 0; alias aim aimon; echo '******** auto aim *OFF*'"
alias qaimon "set autoaim 1; alias aim aimoff"
alias aimon "qaimon; echo '******** auto aim *ON*'"

alias aim aimoff

bind v aim

## ******** Combat Flight Assist
alias qstop "Accel 0"
alias stop "Accel 0; echo '******** Lateral Thrusters Disabled'"
alias backward "Accel -1000; echo '******** Throttle Full Backward'"
alias forward "Accel 1000; echo '******** Throttle Full Forward'"
alias fighton "bind r forward; bind f backward; bind z stop; alias fight fightoff; echo '******** Combat Assist Mode *ON*'"
alias qfightoff "bind r +Accelerate; bind f +Decelerate; bind z ''; qstop; alias fight fighton"
alias fightoff "qfightoff; echo '******** Combat Assist Mode *OFF*'"

alias fight fighton

bind b fight

## ******** Turbo Toggle
alias qttogoff "+turbo 0; alias +t '+turbo'; alias ttog ttogon"
alias ttogoff "qttogoff; echo '******** Turbo *OFF*'"
alias ttogon "+turbo; alias +t 'ttogoff; +turbo'; alias ttog ttogoff; echo '******** Turbo *ON*'"

alias ttog ttogon

bind Enter ttog
bind Tab +t

## ******** Activate bind
alias acti "Activate; qaimon; qscanoff; qfightoff; qttogoff"
bind Ctrl acti

## ******** Reload config
alias doload "load 'lxj.cfg'"
bind 0 doload

## ******** Duels
alias duel_challenge "duel challenge %target%"
bind F2 duel_challenge
alias duel_accept "duel accept %target%"
bind F3 duel_accept

## ******** Channels Join
join 1 # help
join 11 # nation
join 102 # Russian
join 111 # help2
join 201 # Itani Convoy
join 202 # Serco Convoy
join 411 # EnB events
join 444 # TGFT guild
join 911 # Emergency Channel
join 4357 # The Viper Hotline / Pirate Report Broadcast System
join 123567 # SCAR guild

join 100 # general

## ******** Other
bind c RadarNextFront
bind w +StrafeUp
bind s +StrafeDown

## TODO: multiple hails
set hailmsg "Die."

set chat_filter 0
set filterlongrangemsgs 1
set flymodeflag 0
set snd_volume "1.000000"
set snd_musicvolume "0.000000"

## ******** Standard binds
#bind "w" +Accelerate
#bind "s" +Decelerate
#bind Tab +Turbo
bind Space +Brakes
bind "q" +RotateCW
bind "e" +RotateCCW
bind "a" +StrafeLeft
bind "d" +StrafeRight
#bind "r" +StrafeUp
#bind "f" +StrafeDown
bind LeftArrow +TurnLeft
bind RightArrow +TurnRight
bind UpArrow +TurnDown
bind DownArrow +TurnUp
#bind Enter Activate
bind MOUSEX +LookX
bind MOUSEY +LookY

#bind "v" +Shoot3
#bind "c" +Shoot1
bind "1" Weapon1
bind "2" Weapon2
bind "3" Missile1
bind "4" Missile2
bind "5" Missile3
bind "6" Mine1
bind "7" Mine2
bind LMBUTTON +Shoot2
bind RMBUTTON +Shoot1
bind MMBUTTON +Shoot3

#alias toggleautoaim "aim1"
#alias aim2 "set autoaim 1; alias toggleautoaim aim1; echo 'AutoAim On'"
#alias aim1 "set autoaim 0; alias toggleautoaim aim2; echo 'AutoAim Off'"
#bind ":" toggleautoaim
set autoaim "1"

alias missionhelp "mission h"
alias missionchat "activatechattab 1; say"
alias mission9 "mission 9"
alias mission8 "mission 8"
alias mission7 "mission 7"
alias mission6 "mission 6"
alias mission5 "mission 5"
alias mission4 "mission 4"
alias mission3 "mission 3"
alias mission2 "mission 2"
alias mission1 "mission 1"
bind "m" missionchat
bind "H" missionhelp

set rHUDxscale "640.000000"
set rHUDyscale "480.000000"
alias hudtoggle2 "HudToggle; hidelog; alias allhudtoggle hudtoggle1"
alias hudtoggle1 "HudToggle; hidelog; alias allhudtoggle hudtoggle2"
alias allhudtoggle "hudtoggle1"
alias hudscale2 "set rHUDxscale 640; set rHUDyscale 480; alias hudscale hudscale1"
alias hudscale1 "set rHUDxscale 800; set rHUDyscale 600; alias hudscale hudscale2"
alias hudscale "hudscale1"
bind F5 hudscale
bind F4 allhudtoggle
bind F1 Help
bind F9 ViewToggle
bind F10 CameraToggle
set rHUDfadeout "4.000000"

set rRenderStationInMenu "1"
set rStationMenuAlpha "0.700000"

#set chat_filter "1"
set filterprivatemsgs "1"
set filtersectormsgs "1"
set filterhelpmsgs "1"
set filtergroupmsgs "1"
set filterguildmsgs "1"
#set filterlongrangemsgs "0"
set filterchannelmsgs "1"
alias chattab0 "activatechattab 1; alias togglechattab chattab1"
alias chattab1 "activatechattab 0; alias togglechattab chattab0"
alias togglechattab "chattab0"
alias tab2 "activatechattab 1"
alias tab1 "activatechattab 0"
alias say_help "activatechattab 0; join 1; say_channel"
bind "T" say_sector
bind "t" say_channel
bind "g" say_group
bind "G" say_guild
bind "!" tab1
bind "@" tab2
#set hailmsg "Hail"
alias hail "activatechattab 0; msg %target% %hailmsg%"
bind "h" hail
#bind F2 togglechattab
bind PageUp scrollback
bind PageDown scrollforward

alias showall "radarshow 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12"
alias togglemissiles "radartoggle 6 7"
alias togglecargo "radartoggle 10"
alias togglestations "radartoggle 11"
alias toggleobjects "radartoggle 9"
alias togglefriendlies "radartoggle 4 12"
alias togglehostiles "radartoggle 5"
#bind "b" RadarNextFront
#bind "x" RadarNextNearestEnemy
#bind "z" RadarNextFrontEnemy
bind "]" RadarNext
bind "[" RadarPrev
bind "}" LocalRadarNext
bind "{" LocalRadarPrev
bind "y" RadarHitBy

#bind "'" FlyModeToggle
#bind ";" MLookToggle
#set flymodeflag "1"

bind F12 dump
bind "u" +TopList
#bind "i" +zoom
#bind "o" toggleinventory
bind "k" CharInfo
bind "n" nav
bind "j" Jettison
bind "`" ConsoleToggle
bind Escape Quit

set fov "75.000000"
set snd_mixahead "0.200000"
#set snd_volume "1.000000"
#set snd_musicvolume "1.000000"
set snd_vel "3000.000000"

set update_k "-3.500000"
set rHiRezBK "3"
set rDoEffects "3"
set rDoSpaceJunk "3"
set rSceneLODBias "1.000000"
set rDistanceLODBias "2.368421"
set doKeyRamp "1"
set rTargetBoxMode "0"
set rglow "0"
set controlresponse "1.000000"

## ******** :)
echo "******** Config loaded :)"
May 12, 2006 Breazle link
ye good idea but you'r forgeting i'm real dumb and wouldnt made much difference if that was french :-) sorry
May 12, 2006 Breazle link
aleskey that doesnt mention hails in there?
May 12, 2006 genka link
Alrighty then, as per specifications, here is a simple, yet lengthy, "bind" that will provide you with eight hails per character, with the first character's hails being the ones aliased as "hail11" "hail12" and so on, and the second character's hails being aliased as "hail21" "hail22" and so on. In general, each individual hail is enumerated with hailxy, where x is the number of the character, and y is the number of the hail. Obviously, you'll have to scroll down and fill in the blanks in the hails, and change the message for each of your forty hails. I only typed out the first sixteen of the hails, so as to make the pattern apparent.

To switch from one character's set of hails to another, you envoke the "switchchar" command, which is bound to the key 0 by default. I'd probably also change the echo in each enumerated switch to the name of the character each hail set is linked with, so as to not get confused when switching.

I'm not sure if any of this works though, so I'm gonna go test it now.
Will edit when tested.
edit: added a line that aliased hails 1-7 to none. Apperantly, it won't bind something that's not a command yet. Back to testing.
edit2: seems to work just fine, so, I would suggest you copy the following (with the exception of the silly line, of course) into a text file, add aliases for the rest of the hails, and change the "msg %target% 'hailxy'" to "msg %target% 'OMG LOLZ, MY HAIL GOES HERE!'" but with better hails than that. Enjoy.

-*****aliases and such below this line*****-

bind 0 switchchar
alias hail1 none; alias hail2 none; alias hail3 none; alias hail4 none; alias hail5 none; alias hail6 none; alias hail7 none; alias hail8 none
bind 1 hail1
bind 2 hail2
bind 3 hail3
bind 4 hail4
bind 5 hail5
bind 6 hail6
bind 7 hail7
bind 8 hail8

alias hail11 "msg %target% 'hail11'"
alias hail12 "msg %target% 'hail12'"
alias hail13 "msg %target% 'hail13'"
alias hail14 "msg %target% 'hail14'"
alias hail15 "msg %target% 'hail15'"
alias hail16 "msg %target% 'hail16'"
alias hail17 "msg %target% 'hail17'"
alias hail18 "msg %target% 'hail18'"

alias hail21 "msg %target% 'hail21'"
alias hail22 "msg %target% 'hail22'"
alias hail23 "msg %target% 'hail23'"
alias hail24 "msg %target% 'hail24'"
alias hail25 "msg %target% 'hail25'"
alias hail26 "msg %target% 'hail26'"
alias hail27 "msg %target% 'hail27'"
alias hail28 "msg %target% 'hail28'"

alias switchchar "switchchar1"

alias switchchar1 "char1; alias switchchar switchchar2; echo 'using hailset char1'"
alias switchchar2 "char2; alias switchchar switchchar3; echo 'using hailset char2'"
alias switchchar3 "char3; alias switchchar switchchar4; echo 'using hailset char3'"
alias switchchar4 "char4; alias switchchar switchchar5; echo 'using hailset char4'"
alias switchchar5 "char5; alias switchchar switchchar1; echo 'using hailset char5'"

alias char1 "alias hail1 hail11; alias hail2 hail12; alias hail3 hail13; alias hail4 hail14; alias hail5 hail15; alias hail6 hail16; alias hail7 hail17; alias hail8 hail18"

alias char2 "alias hail1 hail21; alias hail2 hail22; alias hail3 hail23; alias hail4 hail24; alias hail5 hail25; alias hail6 hail26; alias hail7 hail27; alias hail8 hail28"

alias char3 "alias hail1 hail31; alias hail2 hail32; alias hail3 hail33; alias hail4 hail34; alias hail5 hail35; alias hail6 hail36; alias hail7 hail37; alias hail8 hail38"

alias char4 "alias hail1 hail41; alias hail2 hail42; alias hail3 hail43; alias hail4 hail44; alias hail5 hail45; alias hail6 hail46; alias hail7 hail47; alias hail8 hail48"

alias char5 "alias hail1 hail51; alias hail2 hail52; alias hail3 hail53; alias hail4 hail54; alias hail5 hail55; alias hail6 hail56; alias hail7 hail57; alias hail8 hail58"
May 13, 2006 Breazle link
cool thanks genka does it matter were i put it in the file? sorry i am real dumb when comes to binds...
May 13, 2006 Person link
put the entire thing in the wgaf.cfg file

/me is confused. Did genka just post something useful, or will it turn out to be a virus when used in Vendetta? I don't see anything wrong with it...

May 13, 2006 mgl_mouser link
FM can we move this out of RP?
May 13, 2006 Breazle link
um.... lol he was nice last night and i thank him for it :p

edit: can't see any x's or y's in there genka to fill in....
May 20, 2006 drdoak007 link
May I suggest, an add-on to the hail portion...

When multiple members are in the same sector (possibly grouped), a /msg is sent to all those in your group that "%target% has been hailed" so that when you scurvy pirates team up on traders, we have an opportunity to /msg back in time to someone (at least one) and not lose our ship while paying for our life to the other.

If this has happened to anyone other than myself, I know that you'ld appreciate not dying after shelling out cash to survive exiting a wormhole.
May 20, 2006 Cunjo link
Yo, why not just save different .cfg files for the different characters you use? then you can just use /load filename.cfg to overwrite with all that character's hails and you don't need to worry about messy toggle binds.
May 21, 2006 terribleCabbage link

Cunjo: <3

Awesome idea, original or otherwise.
May 21, 2006 Breazle link
could do cunjo
May 24, 2006 Cunjo link
Not original, TC, I got that off someone else on these forums a long time ago, and have been using it ever since.