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The IRC Bible

Feb 07, 2004 GThang link
<Cain> come on Abel, we gotta talk
<Abel> ok
* Abel was kicked by Cain
* Abel has joined #Wilderness
<Abel>hey don't do that
* Abel was kicked by Cain
* Abel has joined #Wilderness
<Abel> Hey this hurts!
* Abel was kicked by Cain
* Abel has joined #Wilderness
<Abel> WTF stop this!
* Abel has left IRC (Connection reset by peer)
<Cain> heh
Feb 07, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
I've been telling you, Peer is out to get us all.
Feb 07, 2004 paedric link
Never liked that guy Peer myself. Always wears mismatched socks.
Feb 07, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
peer, I saw it yestaday at like the mall. And dude, that guy was wearin Pink and Purple socks and was wearin these heart covered PJs and it was scary man.
I mean that guy was all doped up and everything and walkin around freaikin out the norma folk and it was like "Dude, get a life man" and Peer was like "Whoa, I love you man!"
I mean that dude is weird.

I just had a stoner moment there....