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Bug with convoy connies in storms

Oct 25, 2009 davejohn link
I have been escorting voys as a gunner a fair bit over the last couple of days, generally they seem good but there seems to be a bug which can affect constellations in ion storms in sectors with dense asteroid fields.

This happened to me in Jallik D5, sunday at about 20:05 gmt, voy from dau to metana. The connie entered the storm and headed for the exit. It seemed to get entangled in the roid field, observing from several turret positions the ai was trying to steer out.

After about 5 mins of being stuck the connie seemed to jump to a different position in the storm and stopped moving, just sat there. Several mins later I had a timeout condition, and subsequently could not log back into D5 ( Logging into alts at other places was fine ).

As of 20:50 gmt the sector still appears to be stuck, any attempt to log in results in storm background and a "connection closed by server" mssg.

This happened twice this afternoon, again a connie in Ukari G3. Both times a timeout resulted but I was able to log in and found that the connie had vanished, I was in the ship I had been flying and was able to exit the storm as normal.

Hope this report is useful.