Forums » Bugs

Voy bugs for Mommerath

May 12, 2010 FistOfRage link
Mom asked me to post when voys aren't traversing wh's properly again so, at 20:15 today, a UIT voy traversing Nyrius O15 entered the sector at 4000m+ and exited at around the same distance. I also saw this happen at Dau E15 today. Currently, this is happening inconsistently. Most voys seem to following correct paths.

On top of that, around a third of the heavies are empty.
May 12, 2010 ShankTank link
We've discussed that the empty moths are always accompanied with Tridents or Connies.
May 13, 2010 Alloh link
Also, that "alternate exit point" is happening frequently, not only in ion storms, but also on normal sectors, where causes no harm, but probably is related.

I took some long escorts, both in gray and yellow space, and on same route that alternates proper and wrong jump points.

So definitly not restricted to ion storms...