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WHs about 600m+ wider than they should be

Jun 01, 2010 ShankTank link
Not sure whether this is a bug or not, but most wormholes have around 1300m+ radii even though the UI claims they're still 1000m. It's been like this for a while, now, and nobody's brought it up. You can tell when you can jump early by the "Press Activate To Jump" hint (which, itself, is slightly delayed... so I can see how this bug might slip the hasty).
Jun 02, 2010 MythOpus link
I think this bug, if it is indeed a bug, has been in there since the dawn of time, and it does vary depending on what Wormhole you're jumping into, from what I can remember. Sometimes its 1090, sometimes its larger than 1300m. Either it is an actual game bug, or the UI was just simplified 1000m because thats the average distance you need to be at.

You can usually jump before the "Press Activate To Jump" text appears (but maybe that's what you mean by 'slightly delayed"). From what I remember though, It has never appeared unless within the specified range from the jump spot.

This also happens when going towards regular Jump spots.
Jun 02, 2010 diqrtvpe link
This does seem to be a new bug. You get the indication that you can now jump through the wormhole while the indicator still says you're 300m away or whatever. I had never seen this behaviour before a week or so ago, maybe a bit longer.
Jun 02, 2010 vskye link
Actually, I think it's been around longer than that, but I noticed the same thing diqrtvpe.
Jun 02, 2010 Spedy link
I've noticed that you can jump up to 225m early anywhere if you're turboing at said speed. If you're moving at 200m/s, you can jump at 2800m because it seems to take about a second for the animation to be over (and hence for you ship to hit the jump thingy which actually is at 3000m.) Might be related, but idk.
Jun 02, 2010 ShankTank link
Well you can jump from a standstill facing the opposite direction at the extended ranges, Spedy, so I doubt it.

I've noticed this for a while, too, but only while jumping at high speeds as Spedy described. This feels like it's been around for the last month or so.

Edit: although this would be way cool if the Devs came on and told us it was in preparation for secret wormholes >_>
Jun 04, 2010 look... no hands link
oh thats an old bug, ive seen it atleast back to early 2006. I vaugly remember a deneb run back around then were I (on one of my alts) had accidentally dodged a storm into an unmarked roid field and managed to jump out at something like 2400 meters.
Jun 04, 2010 mr_spuck link
I think it's actually the distance bar that's inaccurate. It seems to be based on the bounding box.or something.

The big ice rocks in initros b14 are place where it's very noticable, because they are pretty isolated. In some directions you can jump well before 2000m there.. but the distance bar will also show 0m till you are at least 1000m away from the rocks.

Dunno if the wormhole thing is related to that. I've only noticed it pretty recently too.
Jun 05, 2010 ShankTank link
Nah, jumping early has always been an issue before this. It feels like the wider wormholes have only been around for the last 2 months or so.
Jun 05, 2010 mr_spuck link
Yeah .. that's what I meant to say.
Jun 07, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
This is a new form of early jumping. Something is new and weird.