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PVP tab stats display error

Dec 02, 2010 S7evyn link
Spot the math error.

Also, there may be a better way to display the ratios, since 1:1 and 1:0 are presently considered equal, which they're not. Perhaps it could show a ∞ or something for ratios when the killed by column is 0. (average ratio could still treat them the same way, though)
Dec 03, 2010 CrazySpence link
yea i have seen that too on occasion, usually resolves itself if you jump or kill someone else
Dec 03, 2010 slime73 link
I think it's not actually a math error, the iup label isn't expanding to fit multiple characters properly. I think it could easily be fixed by putting a placeholder "999" title on the labels at creation.
Dec 08, 2010 Strat link
Yeah, it's just cutting off the zero on the 10.