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Ramming = More Health

Sep 09, 2003 SirCamps link
I've only experienced this twice, and once pulling it off consciously.

I was fighting Kastin Thunderbird in a tri-flare valk. I rammed him, he hit me, then I rammed him again, killing him. When it was all over, I had 87%. I distinctly remember going from 100% to 67%, then up to 87%. My last shot hit him exactly square. It's like the rockets were lined up with his three cannons. Might that have caused anything?
Sep 11, 2003 Celkan link
You were in a Valkyrie? I think that some parts of the valkyrie are more/less vulnerable than others. (namely the cockpit and wings) Could you have been hit on the wings, causing negative damage? (the wings are known to be like a shield, allowing little or no damage thru if hit in just the right manner.)
Sep 11, 2003 SirCamps link
I've never heard of that... yes, we were both Valkyries.... Negative health, eh? I'd have to do some serious ramming in 16 with someone to find out though.

With the prox radius of the rockets, however, how would one part block all the damage?
Sep 12, 2003 Celkan link
Well... I'd be glad to help... my 2.5 bill shouldn't go to waste!

I think it was StarFreeze who found out about the "invul" spots on the Valk.
Sep 12, 2003 SirCamps link
Yeah, SF found all the absorb spots on most of the ships, I think.

I'll find you when I'm on and we can ram each other...
Sep 13, 2003 Celkan link
I should be back at a Vendetta-capable computer on sunday, in time for FM's (FiReMaGe) Bounty hunt. I'll see what I can do about the XP comp, last time I tried, it wouldn't login. Sector 16 sound good?