Forums » Bugs

Temp KOS Bug

May 09, 2012 bottom_feeder link
I received Temp KOS for good reason at the station which i was homed at. So i moved on and ended up getting killed. Still being under the new Temp KOS rule i had to be sent allll the way back to Divinia G-6. After some time i got the message that my "standing increased enormously." So i didn't worry about re-homing somewhere to avoid the trip down to grey space. But when i died i ended up going back to Divinia G-6 even though it said my faction standing was admired at the station indicated on my screen as my home station.
May 09, 2012 Pizzasgood link
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I experienced this a couple times the first night I played after the temp kos change, but forgot to post about it. I guess I must have rehomed every time this has happened since, or I'd have remembered.

The fact that the temp kos didn't reset in the first place is also a bug, according to momerath, which is why it seems to happen inconsistently - sometimes the first death resets it, sometimes the second, etc.

Note that while this is happening, you do have the potential to get stuck with both your home nation and corvus at kos. If your home is one of them and you die, and the bug where it doesn't reset kicks in, you get trapped bouncing between the two stations for 15 minutes. (This happened to somebody the other day, I forget who.)