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Leviathan shots

Oct 31, 2012 idd link
So, apparently, the shots from the leviathan can go through asteroids and can "see" through them as well. I mined recently in a leviathan sector and the leviathan concussion railguns (iv heard from Nahin/tarenty that they shoot that) were going right through the roids and hitting me.
Oct 31, 2012 abortretryfail link
Capital Cannons, I think. They go like 400m/s so if you're lagging, they'll go through smaller asteroids and capships and hit you. Does it in border skirmishes sometimes too.
Oct 31, 2012 idd link
In border skirms, the cap guass passes through the ships. The turrets in Deneb also can shoot through roids.
Oct 31, 2012 Pizzasgood link
How would lag cause that though? I can see how it might cause it to appear that the fire is passing through objects, but the server should know the actual correct positioning of the shot and should prevent it from actually passing through anything, meaning you shouldn't actually take damage even if it looks like you got hit, since that's basically just a hallucination.

Unless the lag in question isn't network lag, but rather the result of an overworked server. In that case the physics engine might become unstable and permit sufficiently fast moving objects to miss collisions.
Oct 31, 2012 idd link
Oh no, it actually passes through. I was minding my own business mining a roid, on the other side of the roid so the levi can't get me. THen, i get hit and it says "*Siepos Leviathan" etc etc.
Oct 31, 2012 tarenty link
Leviathans shoot concussion railguns, not capital cannons/gauss. They pass through asteroids, and it isn't lag.

Capital cannon/gauss can lag through thin things and hit you when lagging/overworked server/whatever, but levi concrail pays asteroids no mind at all.
Oct 31, 2012 abortretryfail link
Check it with an addon scanner.
Nov 02, 2012 Conflict Diamond link
you mean like this?

can't see it? it's here:
Nov 14, 2012 idd link
Yeah, but still. Ill try to get a picture of it here. The shots passing through, i mean.
Nov 14, 2012 PaKettle link
Its a problem with the collision detection actually - roids are just thin shells so shots and ships can pass thru if the timing and so on is just right.

Its not a bug per say but rather a compromise made for efficency
Nov 15, 2012 incarnate link
Its not a bug per say but rather a compromise made for efficency

This is accurate (albeit per se :). This is caused by the fixed frame timestep of the physics system, and the choice of which asteroids to use as the "ring" in the leviathan sector. If we used thicker asteroids, it wouldn't be an issue.

Although, people mining in the leviathan sector is not really something we expected/intended either.
Nov 15, 2012 idd link
Also, turrets in Deneb do this, it's kinda hard killing the turret and not dying if random shots are passing through the roid you're hiding behind.
Nov 15, 2012 Pizzasgood link
Seriously? With all those xith roids? It's just begging people to mine it. I've even mined in a levi sector and I'm a friggen pirate. :P
Nov 16, 2012 abortretryfail link
Man I wish I'd made a bet w/slime about whether or not the game does CCD on asteroids. :D

This is ultra annoying, especially in Deneb where there's lots of capgauss going around. Do you think it would be hard to fix, Inc?
Nov 16, 2012 PaKettle link
Hard to fix? NO - except you would lose a lot of responsiveness from the server. It takes a lot of CPU cycles to improve the collision detection. In short they either have to check more often or do a more precise checks. The few bugs it creates are not really that serious. I can think of a lot of more important things that could use the cpu time so my suggestion is to just leave it alone.... Its good enuff!
Nov 16, 2012 Pizzasgood link
No it is not "good enuff". When shots regularly fly through asteroids, that is the opposite of "good enuff". If it were like 1/100, I'd agree with you.

Though... you could hide the issue by subjecting NPCs to asteroid occlusion. If the Levi cannot aim at us behind a roid, it doesn't matter so much whether the asteroid provides actual cover.
Nov 17, 2012 tarenty link
Strange that it says capital cannon, and yet has the same concussive force and damage as a concrail.

+1 NPC occlusion.
Nov 17, 2012 idd link
Yes, that's mentioned above too, that levis can apparently see through roids too.
Nov 18, 2012 PaKettle link
So you would prefer they sacrifice the combat speed?As I said - it is a trade off. You cannot have both.....
Nov 18, 2012 Pizzasgood link
It isn't even necessary to alter the collision detection if they just fix the levi (and all bots and turrets, for that matter) to obey radar occlusion. That should be much cheaper to compute.