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Serco Standing Dropped enormously

Jan 18, 2005 Spider link
okay, this one stung. I got tangled up in a defbot, and well. the rest was obvious. Strikeforce, me responding by emptying my jackhammers into them as I tried to dodge.. . Bye bye Serco standing.


Irritating as heck to drop from +1000 Pillar of Society (guess how much work it takes to get that?)
Jan 18, 2005 raybondo link
What do you mean got tangled up in a defbot?
Jan 18, 2005 roguelazer link
It probably ran into him. They do that a lot.
Jan 18, 2005 Forum Moderator link
It would have been wise to just run away or let them kill you. If you damage them they might make you temporarily KOS (you leave the sector and when you return it's all hearts n' bunnies again) with no faction hit, but if you kill them you face the consequances.
Jan 18, 2005 Sun Tzu link
I don't know about Spider's case but it happens that you warp out just in the way of a turboing defbot. Then it goes "boom" and your standing is down. It happened to me with Ineubis (no big deal); I know it happened to an Itani fellow in Divinia (much worse); I suppose unfortunate Sercos and UIT have gone through that as well.
Jan 18, 2005 Spider link
Yeah, I know that is what I'm supposed to do, FM. Alas, I was a bit triggerhappy at the time, ( been fighting a lot in that sector, vs Crippled and Solra ) so I ended up firing in the direction of fire. not good . *cough*

As for tangled up, yes, bumping a defbots wing will get it harmed, and near dead in the right occasions. And they -do- have a nasty habit of ending up bumping things, stations and players theese days.
Jan 19, 2005 Spider link
okay, Got fed up with waiting so I abused a few things and got my standing up the hard way. Sorry to the people who suffered my mood.
Jan 20, 2005 Fnugget link
Although this isn't too on topic, there is a big issue on standing. Red, green, doesnt matter. Fire 1 shot no matter what to check if a warning msg comes up. I was at a Itani guarded wormhole and killed a serco that was red on radar. I lost 800 itani standing. Impressive isn't it?