Forums » Bugs

Nemesis bugs, and a suggestion

Apr 09, 2005 yodaofborg link
Really? I agree with n00b, I line myself up about 200m away (even while the damn thing is spinning =) and press turbo, and then im docked, as long as im not in a moth, prom had a lil trouble docking too, but im docked. (why would a centaur dock? its a trade ship, why is it suddenly a combat ship? I dunno...)

A rear option would be sweet though, i can see why mouse users have a problem...
Apr 09, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
When a capitol ship warps into an ion storm and you undock from it, the ion storm exit does not appear.
Apr 09, 2005 roguelazer link
Also, the ion storm blue thingies don't show up in the picture of the ship that is in the station interface..
Apr 14, 2005 Pirogoeth2 link
It may be better to actually 'deepen' the dock on the frigate, to give more room for docking, instead of slowing it down. It goes slow as is -_-
Apr 14, 2005 roguelazer link
It should go slower.
Apr 14, 2005 raybondo link
I fixed the problem with the ion storm exit not appearing.
The ion storm effect doesn't show up in the station view technically because there are no effects at all (like explosions) when you are in that view.
Storywise it's because your view has a UV filter over it and ion particles give off the blueish light because they emit near-UV light. ;)

I'm also going to make it so you can/have to hail the capship to be able to dock. If you have permission to dock, the capship will park for a short time until you dock with it.
Apr 14, 2005 thurisaz link
WOW, that's amazing, ray... thanks a ton :D
Apr 14, 2005 sarahanne link
neat, a Mother may I? function.
Apr 14, 2005 Spellcast link
is there any way to determine if you have hit the cap-ship with weapons fire in the last XXX minutes (i'm thinking 5) and deny docking privledges if you have?
Apr 14, 2005 ArAsH link
To add to what spellcast is saying, sometimes, in the heat of battle some stray shots may hit the capship. It would be nice if you could set docking privileges to the amount of damage you inflicted on it (3000 sounds good to me).
Apr 15, 2005 a1k0n link
The best way to fix this is probably with faction standing hits for shooting the capital ship - either temp KOS or permanent changes - but for now I don't want our capital ship antics to screw up anyone's standing. When there are more serious cap ship missions, then that's probably how it'll be fixed.
Apr 16, 2005 Spellcast link
ok, cool a1k0n, that ties in niceley with the (now incredibly long) post i'm working on concerning reputation, faction, and its effects in vendetta and some tweaks i think it needs.. the post should be ready for board consumption,... uhhh soon.