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The rumoured corvus vulturius either needs its description changing, or a fix

May 05, 2005 yodaofborg link
Because right now it is lucky if it makes it through a storm, I have to fly it like an Ec88 if I end up in one, sure its great in a dogfight (lets face it, vults have wings, its what they do) but according to the vulture description (not its stats) its the rumoured high speed assault, and yet it has trouble keeping up with an ec88.

75 drain? 65 is too much.
May 05, 2005 roguelazer link
I like it... Speed != Endurance. It may not be able to race through long distances, but it can sure close 200m in a fight pretty quickly.
May 05, 2005 Starbucks Ninja link
I had a conversation like this with Gavan the other day. We were thinking that it shouldn't necesarily be changed, but that some other faction should take it (like Xang Xi), one of the ones that doesn't have its own special ship, then Corvus gets another one. 2 cargo doesn't really make sense for a pirate ship, especially since it can't hunt anything down.
May 05, 2005 link
Would the Corvus Vult be terribly uber with 55drain? That would make it pretty comparable to a Valk. It's also ferociously expensive.

It's a pirate ship, it should be able to chase.
May 05, 2005 Shapenaji link
Yeah, give a Racer to another faction, Corvus has the merc maud which is good for carrying, but not for chasing, give it something a bit better for chasing.
May 05, 2005 Bobsin link
hello, i am with the give a vult a chance foundation.

we at GVCF feel that the Corvus Vult is under qualified for it's name sake. sure chopping off it's "legs" is a good way to help keep traders safe from this bird of prey, but that is not what it's life should be about!

with enough support we hope to transport these fierce birds to a better and more apropriate home in Biocom. they should life out their days with a cool name like Biocom XT. and those who are too weak to be moved will be altered and made into fiery pheonix-like predators. not that they will end up as expanding balls of flaming gas, but rather that your ships flames will streak accross it's wing structure and trail into the dark space as it flies through what used to be your ship. :)

please, if you are interested in helping these rare and beautiful creatures send your donations and support to GVCF c/o the devs.

you too can make a difference! :D
May 06, 2005 Pausert link
I like the idea of moving the vulturius to another faction and giving it a new name. Perhaps the XT :)

Then give Corvus a real pirate ship - something with legs. Not, perhaps, a lot of armor, but a lot of power dogfighting (like the vulturius currently has) and perhaps 230m/s at 55 drain so that it can at least keep up with a trader and have a chance at getting us. And, perhaps 9 cu hold for the odd cargo that gets taken.
May 06, 2005 UncleDave link
Erm, if you're going to boost the CV, don't forget the SVG.

One would think that the nation ship is better than the faction one.
May 06, 2005 Shapenaji link
Well, the SVG is good, just plain good, it really doesn't need a fix.

And as far as a nation ship being better than a faction one? Corvus requires you to up 1000 standing to get it. Serco space does not. The SVG is a great ship that is available to serco at a low level.

And if, as I hope, faction standing becomes mutually exclusive, being a child of corvus will make one unable to get any other nation ships.
May 06, 2005 roguelazer link
Actually, Corvus Vulturius is available at +800. :D
May 06, 2005 yodaofborg link
If being a pirate means I cannot pirate then i may as well give up today.

Anyone who says the corvus vult can close short distances easily obviously hasnt flown one recently...

...It either needs its turbo thrust boosting by a 3x or 4x factor for what you are saying to be so, it has less normal thrust than an SVG, i am all for boosting the SVG too, but have you read the *entire* vulture description? I mean the one about all vults? I'd rather use a cent mk1 to chase something.

Everythings getting too fast! Hey I'm a pirate, please pay me or run away, choice is yours!
May 06, 2005 softy2 link
Shape is right : you need to up 1000 Corvus to get the Vulturious, since you start at -200.