Forums » Suggestions

Buy a month in VO with game credits

Jun 03, 2005 leapfrog2 link
What he said... :)

Eaon Ralel
Jun 03, 2005 harvestmouse link
*laughs softly

nevermind having the devs implement this officially~
I (and possibly other players) would probably be willing to host random competitions for a free month of VO. why not? perhaps 100million credits is a bit much, but the time taken to mine, trade, and produce *some vast amount of money less than that* might be worthy of a $10 prize.

no ones income is reduced, people have a chance of competing for game time, I get credits, which probably will encourage me to keep subscribing and work on the monolithic task of spending my fortune (through frequent deaths and expensive luxury vessels... er yea!)

all in a good day's work