Forums » Suggestions

Possible for player transport

Jun 03, 2005 emanon link
Although you can always grab an EC-88 for free. Sometimes you may be a long way from home and unable to get back with the limited capabilities of the EC. Especially in the case of an impending cargo mission.

What I'm suggesting is the ability for ships to take on passengers. Maybe even a new class of transport vessel for ferrying people and cargo.

This could open up all kinds of possibilities for Guilds as well as say, Neutral transports that work for everyone, everywhere. Like a spaceline or something.

Edo Cerberus
Jun 03, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I've suggested similar ideas before, and think this one is a great idea. There should definitely be passanger liners out there that you can take for long trips where you don't want to fly a ship there, or if you have just been destroyed and your home station does not sell the ship you want.

But, it would also be cool to be able to attack a passanger liner and be able to pirate the passangers. In essence, the ship would drop lots of consumer electronics, luxury goods, and things of that nature, in larger then normal quantities.

There could be both NPC and PC passanger liners, where if a PC want to use pilot one (which is like a pc controled capital ship) then they would take missions that let them drop off and pick up passangers and they ferry them around the universe. Yet another reason to be an escort pilot. Also, the more passangers you deliver the more xp you would get, so you could have a ship capable to taking up to say 300 passangers, but that does not mean that you have to, and you'd have to manage which station all the different people are going and make sure you didn't need to backtrack.
Jun 07, 2005 TRS link
I would like to be able to become a piece of cargo at any station, set my buy price, and set my sell price according to which station I'm sold at, with the abilty to unpack myself at any station I end up at. This would hopefully let me convince bots and players that I'm a profitable piece of cargo.

In addition, I would like to be able to freelook while I'm being transported. Newbs could go for a ride with their local mentor to watch how the mentor flies and kills bots and whatever. Or the mentor could be the passenger, advising his young student on the ways of the force. Mabey even have them able to swap positions. (but no joint control, etc... One ship, one pilot).

The biggest issue I see is is what happens when I become a piece of floating cargo in a bot infested ion storm. Any suggestions?
Jun 07, 2005 thurisaz link
lol.... you had me in stitches for a few minutes, TRS...

..and then I started to take the idea seriously, and it started to sound pretty cool :o

**oh, and the "set adrift" problem could be solved easily by /explode-ing.. which brings up the idea that a player transporting you should get stiff faction penalties for jettisoning you..
Jun 07, 2005 johnhawl218 link
Or, create the escape pod as has been suggested at length. then you could fly back to whatever area you wanted to. Make it the same model for the observers and give it the same states but make it a unique color so everyone knows it's an escape pod. Also, make it invulnerable with no weapons.
Jun 07, 2005 tkjode link
The universe is pretty tiny in my own rather humble opinion... it doesn't take that long to get anywhere and by taking time to plot a route out, you can easily circle the universe in an EC-88 with very little chance of getting caught anywhere dangerous (even if you're hated). This has no real 'use' at the moment....

Now, let's fast forward a bit shall we?

Hive collective behaviour is different... sectors are swarming with bots. The Itani/Serco war is actually a war and not some passive dogfight every once in a while. Cap Ships are patrolling the borders constantly. Stations are overthrown. Space is much more dangerous.

Now we can do something with this:

Escape pods would be great in the larger ships, like our cap ship, etc. It should be very maneoverable and extremely difficult to destroy (if not invulnerable).

I'd like to emphasize that something the size of an escape pod should realistically *NOT* have jump engines or wormhole abilities, there should be an air of teamwork involved... someone in an escape pod should be RESCUED.

I think if you were captured, you should be able to /explode and deal a crippling amount of damage to the enemy's ship... since I really can't see any type of game mechanics behind getting sent to a brig in an enemy station. People could become like seekers, chasing the enemy, trying for a last ditch effort to lock into another player's cargo hold and blow them up! Or, they could just make it so that you can only go into a non-hated, same nation/guild ship, or alternatively, /explode in space with a very small blast radius.

All that aside, I'd love to see players who rescue these pods get significant faction increases with their nations, and as was mentioned earlier, jettisonning a player would result in a severe faction hit.

Interestingly enough, one can extend this idea by loading a whole whack of players into their cargo hold, fly to an enemy station, and should they be able to wipe out the station defenses and dock, that station could be considered 'taken-over', because the army of players would have successfully landed inside :) It'd have to be a selectable ship, where the players would gather at a station, choose the pod, fly into another players cargo hold (preferrably flying a behemoth, or cap ship), and away you go to take over a station!

* getting self excited * :P
Jun 08, 2005 pirate_n00b link
Jun 08, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I like the idea of being able to have a marine style invation of a station. That would be quite fun, but would suck for those waiting to dock unless the carrior ship had turrets or something that they could play with.