Forums » Suggestions

Chat commands

Jun 06, 2005 Skaak link
Apologies if this has been discussed before or if what I'm asking for is already implemented. I searched, but couldn't find anything either way.

Is there any possibility that the chat commands could be expanded? Here's what's on my wish list:

- "/who" or something similar that just lists the names of the people in a given chat; optionally you could join a chat with "/listen" or something if you didn't want to be listed among the active players.

- "/#" or "/c #" as a shortcut for sending a message to a specific channel. It's nice to be able to sit in multiple channels at once, but having to type "/join 100" before you can type a message to channel 100 is a pain. It pleads for a shortcut. I think "/c 100 Hey folks, I like beans!" would be a pretty clean way to accomplish this, particularly since then you could still be active in whatever channel is most pressing but interact in others.

- "/whois" or similar to get basic info about a player. I played this game for a good four hours or so yesterday, and I never met a single person in a bar. I only sighted another player in the distance in a sector once. But there were a bunch of people in the channels who I would have loved to know more about, in an idle curiosity sort of way. A /whois command that listed faction, some indicator of how long they'd been playing (be it license levels or something general like "cadet" to "general" ratings), maybe guild affiliation, and general info about where they're located (i.e. "About 2 systems away" or something) would be very welcome.

An in-game way to find out about what channels are available would also be very, very nice. Wouldn't need to be a complete list, just the most important ones that never change. I think that this kind of information would be very useful in-game, and a good way to implement it would be to add another tab to the chat tabs in the stations. Call it the "station computer" or something; I don't know. Anyway, it could contain "history" (backstory), FAQs, channel info, maybe active players, and other pertinent info that people sometimes need in game. This website is all very well and good, but how neat would it be to be able to access some of this kind of basic info in-game, where you can also interact with the game world?

Anyway, just some suggestions.