Forums » Suggestions

Thermal Goggles

Jun 09, 2005 Martin link
People want ways to mark roids for mining. Why not create a hud thermal filter that allows you to visualise the temperature of your surroundings, kind of like thermal goggles.

Makes it easy to find hot roids again and doesn't allow bots.
Jun 09, 2005 jexkerome link
Nice. Makes it easier to find ships, too, or at least it should.
Jun 09, 2005 Beolach link
Would be cool, but I'd guess it would be very difficult to implement, and would also require significant system resources. IMO there's better, easier ways to mark 'roids for mining.
Jun 09, 2005 Fnugget link
That would make it easier for people to attack other peoples mining locations. If you're a serious miner, you should have little objection to the system currently in place.
Jun 09, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I made my fortune (when I had it) on mining, and I hate the current system of marking your roid. There are better ways of doing it that do not lead to bot mining or any of the other concerns that have been discussed previously on this topic. I'm sure the devs will revisit this at a later date, but as for right now, there are way more important things then where your rock is.

If your mining a particular roid, you should not have to go too far to empty your hold, and if you're selling and returning, STOP. Stockpile and then move and trade. So the easy way to mark it is to leave a ball of bad resources you don't want like ferric or carbonic, or what ever is there that your NOT mining. Doesn't get any easier then that.

Unless your in a mining group, I've never seen more then 2 people mining a sector at a time so your rock is pretty safe.