Forums » Suggestions

Stingray Badge

Jun 16, 2005 Millenium Blackhawk link
We could use more badges, and beside the 1000 pk badge that quite a few people have been asking for. Here is an idea. A badge and Stingray Mk2 for 50 pk's using stingray missiles. Stingrays are by far the hardest seeker missile to use in PvP, and i usually call them pet beeps because of the ineffectiveness. But to get 50 pk's using stingrays is a cool challenge.
Jun 16, 2005 Phaserlight link
...and an easily exploitable one
Jun 16, 2005 everman7 link
...and my promote spamming...
Jun 16, 2005 johnhawl218 link
If you going to add badges, make the medic badge for healing to full 100 pilots, will promote the use of the repair module, which is NOT used at all.
Jun 16, 2005 Harry Seldon link
...and an easily exploitable one

Yeah, well, so is the Bus killer badge. Anyways, I'd like to see some faction rewarded for healing people of your faction (assuming the people getting healed are in good standing), as well as giving some XP for that. That way, being a space nurse isn't a total waste of time.
Jun 20, 2005 Millenium Blackhawk link
A medics badge would be cool. But that's more exploitable than my suggestion. Spamming... That's why i didn't suggest a general seeker missile badge. Swarms are a necessary evil, but i'd rather not see everyone using swarms at once :). Stingrays are a much better weapon to be on the wrong end of. Yes, they are powerful, but they actually have to hit you. Besides, I'd rather face 2 stingrays at once than 2 screamers and 3 sunflares. But i do see your point. Launch flares, just as they are about to detonate, launch stingrays. Vwahla, 1 stingray kill.
Jun 20, 2005 Phaserlight link
More like... "hey, I'll pay you to hold still while I kill you 50 times with stingrays"

People already do this for the bus hunter badge (grr).