Forums » Suggestions

I quit

Jul 01, 2005 Celkan link
um... You could send your characters to border patrol if you're that averse to botting.
Jul 01, 2005 Phaserlight link
That's not the problem, Celkan, he's saying there's no one his level to play with.

Why didn't you keep up your first character, though? I remember Runne Levsky I think he was well past newbdom.
Jul 01, 2005 Fnugget link
we need a non bot grinding combat 2 group mission thing. thank dev that they make that mission editor thing, eh?
Jul 01, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
well you could just ask us to play down our levels in a duel so you could be competitive... As ridiculous as it sounds, it does happen relatively often.
Jul 01, 2005 Arolte link
I don't quite understand what is being said here. I agree that maintaining multiple characters is pretty tough, if you have any intention of keeping each one at reasonable levels. But it was all done within good reason. Others may argue that having lots of alternative characters is a good thing. I really don't like the idea myself, for several reasons which I won't get into right now.

But anyway, if you stick to one character and really try to develop it over a long period of time, you get a greater sense of accomplishment and progress within the game. This effect will be further amplified as new content makes its way into the game in the future.

Of course if you start all over three separate times, you'll feel like you're headed to nowhere. I can't blame you for feeling down because of it. I would too! In fact I've reset my character at least twice since I've started playing the game again. But I know the time spent on my one (and only) character will be well worth it in the end.

So if you still want to stick around, I highly recommend sticking with one character to see if you like it. Or at the very least check back occasionally for any new major updates that might come up. You might be kicking yourself for not having spent more time playing.

Jul 01, 2005 roguelazer link
I think he's saying that for a midlevel character, it's too hard to compete with high-level players (not true; levels really don't matter past 4 or so) and that it's too hard to level up (actually, it's too easy; this game still feels like a non-rpg). I don't know why he was trying to have multiple characters if he didn't feel like leveling, though. I dunno, though. It's hard to actually read what he's saying. Either he's ESL or just not very attentive to spelling/grammar.
Jul 02, 2005 DragonEmpire link
Levels don't matter in this game, it's the skill. Yeah, there is a big difference between n00bs and vets, but there are TONS of in-between people (Like me).

All levels do in this game right now is give you access to better equipment, if you want to fight ask that person to use a lower level ship.
Jul 02, 2005 Harry Seldon link
I think that he might also be ranting about the disparity in skill levels. You've got the noobs who don't understand PvP, and then you've got the Vets who have formed their elite clan.
Jul 02, 2005 jexkerome link
I can see what he's saying, too. I'm still pretty much a PvP beginner even if I started when the game went gold, and there's really not much you can learn when going against an alpha player in an EC-107 who kills you in under a minute, except maybe to run from him next time you see him. Like Harry says, the disparity between fighting levels is too great, and when doing a competitive mission like the BP or CTC you are not going to be cut any slack, and so unless you have comparable skills you're going to be dying a lot, and too fast to actually learn anything from the fights.

I see no easy answer to this one, either, since one can't really force or expect the veterans to "dumb down" their skills when engaging an easier opponent, and the bots' AI is also no good at the moment for real combat practice.
Jul 02, 2005 Sun Tzu link
runlevel0: Maybe you changed characters because you wanted to be recognised as someone else as a "n00b", to be accepted in the exclusive and so uber-skilled small community that makes so much noise in this non-massive multiplayer game by congratulating or flaming themselves on channel 100 and on this forum time and again. If that was the case, let me tell you that it was a mistake and that you can play this game with other objectives and get much fun from it. If you give it a try, contact a nice guild and ask for guidance with combat. After one hour training you will see that you will hold your own very quickly against 8+ players. 50% of a PvP engagement is fear. Get over it and you will see what there is behind words.
Jul 02, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
Winning is about losing and having the stomach to endure loss... without it you will never improve and keep in mind that this process takes some time.

But in a couple months you will get the hang of fighting, don't expect to be able to take on people that have played a game revolving around skill (or knowing what to do at what time) immediately. Since it would be the same as a person hopping into chess being able to consistently win from a grandmaster. Same thing for martial arts... it all takes time... time to find your way and get confy with it.
Jul 02, 2005 sarahanne link
Have your tried dueling? Tell your partner that you want to practice ___ (dodges, using missiles, railgun, strafing, etc) and fight until one of you is killed or reaches 5% health.

I've had players help out that way. I got some good fighting tips and a REAL mentoring experience. The game requires skill, not uber levels, so it takes awhile to learn to play it well.

I'd also suggest looking for a guild. Some guilds are every active and will help members practice skills such as combat, mining and trading.
Jul 02, 2005 runlevel0 link
Yes. You are right.
I got too stressed last night. Server d0wnage, my own network b0rked... and I finally lost my nerves because a darn *station* told me it would not give me any more missions.Too many frustrations for 2:00 AM GMT+2...

I signed until September, and will not be losing my time. I will create a new char (all others have been erased, I don't like playing more than once at a time) and begin from scratch.

I feel pretty stupid now. Sorry.

Jul 02, 2005 runlevel0 link
I forgot to say:

I like this game a lot, it runs like a charm and are one of the few I can run in my Gentoo Linux and on my relativ small gaming PC. Being not many players means that players are still taken seriously by the devs and still have something to say.

OK. Guys and Gals, consider all this moaning as the pure st00pidity of a half asleep mind with only half a neuron functioning.

See ya in C8 (soon).
Jul 02, 2005 Arolte link
runlevel0, a lot of Vendetta vets (including myself) have gone through the same frustration you've described. Some of us have deleted characters and promised never to come back. But months (sometimes just days) later we crawl back and start all over again. And most of us are glad we did! Many are afraid to admit it, but Vendetta is very addictive. There's no other game out there like it.

The game can be frustrating at first, because it does have somewhat of a steep learning curve. I think some things have gotten especially harder since the alpha version, when I started. But in time you'll learn from your mistakes and you'll get better. We're still in the period of having to deal with bugs and exploits. So don't let that get you down. In the long run things should improve dramatically.
Jul 02, 2005 Phaserlight link
Yep. he's one of ours alright. See ya around C8 runlevel0, I'd be glad to spar with ya to work on that PvP skill anytime. Be sure to let me know your new char name!

Jul 02, 2005 Martin link
Give me a yell in game runlevel0. I'll give you some tips to get those levels up. And if you ever want PVP practise just come to B8 and start fighting. You'll die lots but it's the best way to learn.

This game really does just take lots of practise. In fact 2 of the 5 people with over 1000 pk's are post release players who just practise their fighting a hell of a lot.
Jul 03, 2005 Celkan link
Arolte: there's a reason the alpha players call Vendetta Online "Space Crack".

Jul 03, 2005 Forum Moderator link
I'm gonna lock this because it has run its course and I don't want it to get all off-topicish. Glad you're sticking around, runlevel0.
