Forums » Suggestions

Someway to tell your health while jumping.

Sep 04, 2005 DragonEmpire link
Now that we are vulnerable during jumps, I would like to know my health while jumping, even if it's just your percent in one of the corners of the screen.

I know some of you will say that we don't need this, but I was thinking it could be useful if you were being pursued or something. I know it would have been handy during the race last night when I was being attacked while jumping.
Sep 07, 2005 Dark Knight link
Sounds like a good idea to me from a gameplay POV, but it would interfere with the cutscene.
Sep 08, 2005 Cunjo link
I dun see how it's "handy", as you really can't do anything about it until you come out the other side and see your health anyway...

though it may help ease off the agitating "am I gonna make it?" suspense of jumping...
Sep 09, 2005 jexkerome link
Which reminds me:

I was fighting a Queen in Latos, and twice I had to jump with my ship at about 20% health and the Hive close on my tail. I saw my ship jump and get pummeled by pretty much all the bots and the Queen, and yet when I came through the jump my health hand't dropped one iota. Didn't they fix this?
Sep 09, 2005 Cunjo link
they obviously haven't "fixed" that, and I don't want them to either...
Sep 09, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I've been in similar situations and what I saw the bots do was completely disengage me when I started to jump. Up until I actually jumped though (hit "enter") they were firing on me. Perhaps they stop when you no longer present a threat to them.