Forums » Suggestions

Fun Per Man Hour, eh?

Sep 07, 2005 Jona link
Hmm, from what I've gathered from reading different dev posts, everything that's being done right now will enable the devs to, in the future, implement all those cool things we desire.

Want more immersion? This requires traders that fly to and fro and just go about their business, intelligent factions, an evolving universe... It all comes down to: improving the AI. Which is exactly what our devs seem to be doing.

Want more ship features, better pvp aspects, equipment ports, a more evolved combat engine? Improve the UI (of course, the engine probably needs to be changed for this as well, but changing the engine alone is not enough), so that changes can be more easily implemented. Again, what the devs are ding.

At first, I had many of the same doubts as Harry and many others. But after reading the replies from the developers, all those doubts are put to rest. The game seems to be going in *exactly* the right direction (from the viewpoint of my desires), in everything from crafting systems, player-controlled stations, and even possible future planet landings.

What seems a little bit worrying to me, however, is the apparent lack of a 3D artist/graphics developer. Not that I doubt incarnates skills ;-) , but he seems to have so much to focus on... Perhaps another fella on the team, who focuses exclusively on improving and creating new graphics for the game?

And about the equipment port... with such a large change, I'd rather see the devs completely revamp the ship equipment system. Something along the lines of the Escape Velocity series, where you have a set amount of space in yer ship (possibly separating cargo space from equipment and weapon space), and you can use that space for whatever you'd like, be it weapons, shield enhancements, armor plates, speed, accelereration and turning upgrades etc... (Of course, there would be a port limit to how many guns you could have, but the number would also be limited by weapon space, should you pack too many upgrades into your ship). This is actually the only thing I really would want different in Vendetta.

And incarnate, anything that brings more of the backstory into the game is wonderful! As an avid fan of the written storyline, I would personally visit the Goliath Cannon twice a week just to feel like a part of the VO universe ;-)
Sep 07, 2005 mgl_mouser link

IDF Valkyrie Vengeances will be able to be equipped with two Neut 3s AND a stealth module!


(...ok, ok... let's pretend I didn't write that ...)