Forums » Suggestions

Addition to ingame char select screen :)

Nov 05, 2005 yodaofborg link
Ok, i think this should be added to the text you read when pickin a char.

Serco text : Safest of all nation space, all Serco stations and worm holes are monitored.

Itani text : Second most safe nation space, all Itani stations are monitored, not all worm holes are.

UiT text : Least safest space, the UiT do not monitor some stations within their space, and some worm holes are unmonitored also.

Blah, add to it, its true!
Nov 05, 2005 Beolach link
What stations in UIT space aren't monitored? The corporate stations aren't monitored by the UIT faction, but they are monitored by the corporate faction, so they are monitored....
Nov 05, 2005 Spellcast link
but you can jump to them and be safe because UIT SF's wont follow you there.
Nov 05, 2005 Beolach link
Won't they? If you've already jumped empties & lost the SF, then they won't come, but I thought they did follow you to Corporate station sectors if they were hot on your tail....
Nov 06, 2005 Spellcast link

at least they never used to follow me when I was goofing around on an alt.
Nov 06, 2005 yodaofborg link
Its true, jump to a none UiT sub faction, they will follow you, but they will not attack you, they just leave, try it beolach.
Nov 06, 2005 Cunjo link
yea, I based at a TPG station within UIT space when I was botting up my faction after an unfortunate counter-piracy accident *ahem*

anyway, it's perfectly safe for UIT-hated players at corporate stations within UIT space, even in Dau, where everwhere is monitored.
Nov 06, 2005 Phaserlight link
euhm, add this and I guarantee Serco nation population will be double the others.

Besides, how could you possibly know this when there are never more than 50 people online, and most of them hang out in grey space?

I now hijack this thread and demand GENDER SELECTION :)
Nov 06, 2005 jexkerome link
I think yoda has a valid point.

People who choose UIT usually think they'll be kinda safer since the UIT is not in the war, so it comes as quite a shock when they are promptly shot by pirates who like to prowl on Unionspace precisely because of the defense loopholes yoda mentions.

I do not think it would double the Serco numbers, tho, since the backstory pretty much still paints them as the bad guys they really are.

As for gender choice, let's do like Korea and not allow people to choose charas with a gender different to their own ;P
Nov 06, 2005 Beolach link
Too late.
Nov 06, 2005 icbm1987 link
Gendar selection!

No men with boobies... please.
Nov 08, 2005 yodaofborg link
P.s beolach, i said they were not monitored by UiT, this is true, if I find a *uhum* target at any station but TPG or UiT they aint UiT protected, they are protected by Axia, or Valent...

..But only if they have grinded Valent, ect, UiT do not start protected by all sub factions...

...Infact, UiT space is small, and borders on Itani(Edras), grey, and nothing else.

/me prods inc. for the sub faction story.
Nov 08, 2005 Chikira link
All I really want is to have some sort of avatar to represent me, hell i'll upload one if they'll let me
Nov 08, 2005 LeberMac link
Yes. Avatars would be nice. Although... I suppose we'd eventually see vulgar ones... genka would "Ruin It For Everyone™".
Nov 09, 2005 jexkerome link
Yeah, player-created avatars will have to be dev-screened for content before they are allowed to go online. And that takes time, specially with people like Genka, as LeberMac says. Still, this is like, the last thing on my list of wants, so if I don't see anything like it at all in the next year, I won't mind one iota.