Forums » Suggestions

Character to character email system.

Jun 28, 2006 Klabbath link
Not being a developer I admit to having not the slightest clue how this sort of thing could be implemented, but I would like to be able to contact some of the other players during times when they are not online. (Also, being a noob, I freely admit that provision for this might already exist, in which case I apologize for bringing it up.)

Here's an example of why I think this would be a good addition to the game: I recently became a part of a guild. My guild is somewhat unfocused. I would like to message various guild members within the game and determine what our guild goals are, determine how I can best advance them, etc. At the moment, I've only seen two of the guild leaders online, and so far not together.

I see three main issues with this idea that make it a challenge:

1) Personal privacy. My email address, thanks to my web site and professional message board, is pretty much a matter of public record. In fact, you can type "Coach Wade" into a search engine and find a way to contact me. This is ME, however, and I specifically use a hotmail account for that purpose. Any email system devised would, of necessity, have to be INTERNAL-only to the game, and not allow spamming of a commercial nature from outside sources. (Spammers being the cretins that they are, I'm certain they would register for a trial account just to flood an internal email system with Viagra adds.)

2) Server space. Email systems tend to take up quite a bit of hard drive space and bandwidth. I'm not sure exactly how this would be handled.

3) Integration with the existing game. Perhaps a "messages" feature could be added to the starbases? A notice could pop up on the HUD if you were in-flight and someone sent you an email, but you would need to dock at a station in order to actually receive it and reply.

Again, I'm not sure if there is some form of existing messaging system already in place (although I just read the entire VO Wiki and didn't see mention of one), and I'm equally unsure if any of this is even feasible, but it's my suggestion.

Thanks for reading;

("Nigel the Indecently Dressed")
Jun 28, 2006 thurisaz link
well, if someone's your buddy (through the /buddy command), then you can "/buddy note" them, and it'll show up on their next login.. supposedly this is migrating to an IM-like interface via the new PDA; I agree that something like this to/from *any* player would be nice, as long as people "Be Nice (tm)"

also guilds have a MOTD feature, but you'd have to ask someone else about the specifics, and it doesn't sound like that's what you're looking for anyhow :o
Jun 28, 2006 softy2 link
You have logged in.

You have 509 New Messages.

(332) Join SCAR now! We will teach you how to fly SWARM RAGS!
(333) W@nn@ Cyber? M33t me at Dantia O15. I'll bring the ImPl4nts
(334) CH3a p L Aws. Sh ipp in g Now
(335) VPR : We take care of you. (Dental plan now offered.)
(336) FR33 CREDITS! Its TRUE! Pr o o f INSIDE!!!!!
(337) H3y! I saw your profile.
Jun 28, 2006 KixKizzle link
Oh the beautiful spam.
Jun 28, 2006 Blacklight link
"Asl? lolz"
Jun 28, 2006 Klabbath link
Gee, THANKS Softy. I just snarfed Diet Pepsi all over my dang keyboard!
