Forums » Suggestions


Aug 31, 2006 RelayeR link
[relocated to where it belongs]
Oct 03, 2006 techfreak link
I'm in for the tractor beam suggestion. I thik it would be a good idea, and also it should be used to bring small roids in closer to the station so you can mine easier.
Oct 03, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Or farther away so no one else can find them.
Oct 03, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Screw cargo, just throw in the 'roid' beam. A nice proper model of physics would be sweet, plus this... if you turbo too fast, the connection breaks, but..! Latch on multiple beams to get the sturdiest connection. Soon Ragnoraks would become the universal "tow ship".

We could even add a new 3-way nation competition: "Capture the Asteroid!"
Oct 03, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Good idea for the competition. There's a tractor beam thread (I think in the "Read Before Posting" thread) that I've posted to several times with good ideas. :) I'm too lazy to link right now.
Mar 18, 2008 Surbius link
This would be great.

Say you target a cargo box and press a key to pull it in, but you need to be at a certain range, say 10m-20m. This would apply well for capital ships since having to maneuver to pick up little boxes is a waste of time, plus the whole concept of any part of a ship touching a cargo box automatically grabs it is a bit silly imo. So I say a built in tractor beam for all ships (or just large ships, rags, moths, etc.) would be a good feature to add on in the near future.
Mar 18, 2008 Mynnayage link
I heard that sometime in the future, there will be "clean-up" bots of a fashion that'll roam around populated space, taking care of debris. This way, widgets can be quite permanent without too much possibility of sabotage/killing framerates.

A transportation beam sure would make the job easier for those poor, NPC's.
Apr 16, 2010 Rhunteen link
Why is it always the stinkin tractorbeam, just go with magnetic cable grapplers that way u can put in a reset time for the grapple or a magnetic scoop so it's easier to grab cargo on a quick fly by as in game mechanics the ship gets bigger in terms of what cargo it will hit when it is active. and the concept would synchronize with theorized magnetic hydrogen scoops future ships might have.
Apr 16, 2010 Spedy link
Rhunteen please stop dragging up old threads.. just make a new topic and link to the old discussion. The Magnetic cable/ramscoop effect field is a pretty cool idea, though..