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Wrong convoy

Jul 03, 2006 Klabbath link
Um. I discovered last night that I'm pretty dumb.

See, there were TWO convoys in my sector. Since both of them were green in my PDA, and all the bot names are pretty much the same, I followed the wrong one through three jumps before I caught that I was in the wrong place.

Is there some way to make YOUR convoy stand out?

In keeping with that, does anyone remember the hotlinks commands for X-Wing? You could highlight a ship, friend or enemy, and press "Ctl-#" with a number from 1-8. That ship was then locked into your radar. Rather than bringing up the PDA, you could then tap the ship's number and your radar would pop back to them.

It was amazingly useful, especially in escort/defense duties. One tap on a single key in the middle of a dogfight and you could see how your pickleship was doing. Then re-target your enemy and re-commence earning the galactic cross for the 18th time. I think this would be a very useful addition to VO as well.

But what do I know? I'm so dumb I followed the wrong convoy through three sectors.

"Nigel the Indecently Dressed"
"Legin the Naked"
Jul 03, 2006 Phaserlight link
I seem to remember one of the devs saying eventually convoys you are escorting will become part of your group, or at least be distinguished from other convoys in some way.

Probably in future updates to come.

I like the target preset thing also, would be very useful when keeping track of multiple targets.

[stamp of approval]
Jul 03, 2006 LostCommander link
If it started in X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, it HAS to be good (like shields...)! ;) [Stamp of Appproval]