Forums » Suggestions

Thermal Scanner

Oct 03, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Maybe it'd take up a small port, maybe not. Either way, or none works for me.


Increased visibility of weapon fire.

Ships using their thrusters to change direction would appear warm, and ships in turbo would appear HOT HOT HOT! Excellent for most kinds of PvP, plus botting.

Miners could both mark asteroids they discovered while prospecting by heating them up a tad, while they return for the appropriate mining beam. Or, you could use the scanner to quickly see which asteroids are the hot spots in the universe.


A close up rocket or missle would essentially blind ya'.

Ships simply cruising through space would appear cold, and essentially invisible.

Other miners could see your 'tags' and take advantage o' that.
Oct 03, 2006 Professor Chaos link
I think infrared should be standard in any ship. Toggle the hud to see visible spectrum or infrared, and it would look all cool and red and stuff, 'cause it's infrared.
Oct 03, 2006 FatStrat85 link
This would be cool but pretty close to useless. Plus, I think it'd require a lot of work. There are about 5 million simpler things that I'd rather see first. This seems like a feature that would be icing on the cake and should be addressed once the main meat and potatoes are finished a long time from now.
Oct 03, 2006 Professor Chaos link
The real application of this is stealth. It's been discussed to death there. If a ship makes itself invisible to radar or the visible spectrum, maybe it's still hot. Also, if more realistic lighting is implemented (not that the current lighting doesn't at least look good), many sectors will be very very dark. Infrared will help to see in these sectors.
Oct 04, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
To be honest, I just wanted a method of tagging asteroids. I used to consider being a miner, until the one magic day I found a 50% denic 'roid, heated it up to about 15k, ran back really quick to get the right beam for it... and to my great dismay, never found it again. (Yes, I even jettisoned my cargo nearby.)

It was during this frusterated search of an asteroid with anything past 10K heat, that I futilly wished the UI included a visual represtentaion of thermal scanning. "You can target an asteroid's heat from almost any distance, so why not this?" I argued to that imaginary dev that's follows you around, and always listening to every one of my complaints. You know the one I'm talking about... =)
Oct 05, 2006 toshiro link
Cargo times out after 15 minutes.

This problem will be solved once waypoints are implemented.

The thermal scanner would still be a nice toy. Predators!